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Woah, that was awesome! It just seemed too nonsensical at first. Okay, it was still completely nonsensical, but it had awesome action to go with it. Everything was just so unpredictable! I loved the school shooting joke. Damn, am I morbid.

Everything just got non stop insanity here. You accomplished so much in under a minute! I think my only complaint was that the ending was a bit bad. It's still amazing with how goofy it is. I keep thinking it says "Sakura".

Yay, I got this when it first came out on the Portal! That's a first! I mean, there's so many of these it only seems inevitable! This was a pretty unique story. It was all about a splinter. Don't remind me of that Spongebob episode.

This was actually done well. It was as cartoonish as ever. The Green Knight was great at showing emotion. That can be hard to do with a helmet. This did have a true story.

Wow, I had no idea this would be that good! I thought it would just be a commercial. It actually had a great story to go with it! I loved seeing him get back with his girlfriend. What a nice little story. You have some great music too.

I thought it would be something live-action. it was really just that single figure. We'll probably have a FNF Day sooner or latter. This was a very fun little cartoon. Dang, that's a high rating.

Aww, I feel sorry for this guy. The best part is how he was tempted with Rouge. I'm not that much into Sally or Blaze, but Rouge is an absolute bombshell. My level would be with her indeed. Yes, I am a Sonic fan. i guess I'm more into MLP.

We need more sexy designs for Rouge. The animation was top notch here too. I could never make that loop. Well, I would have all eternity. Maybe I'd make it into Justice League Heaven. That had the hottest animated babes ever.

Yikes, we got some great stuff lately! I loved this because of how high energy it was! Her pig tails looked like Pac-Man. That must have been intentional. Everything looked so wonderful. It was still pretty mundane.

She's a genki girl. That's the first time I've used that phrase in a review. It's just such a wonderful archetype. I love how we have so many of those characters. Even the eyes are wonderfully drawn.

1:56 Is that Marge Simpson? This was amazing because of how good the animation was. Everything just looked so beautiful! I was amazed at how wacky it was! The comedian looked like Rodney Dangerfield. I have in fact heard this joke before.

Everything was just constantly upbeat and moving. It's amazing how many great flashes I discover. It's just so wonderfully set up. Oh, so he was an alien the whole time. That makes sense.

I think this was a bit of a weaker episode. It was still good. It just didn't have enough jokes for its runtime. I appreciate the animation as always. These were some new characters. I know you'll never run out of these.

I'm starting to think of "Castle Crashers". I don't quite understand the title. I get the bell. Oh, there's a cyclops there. The single eye makes sense.

Due, that was incredible! I had no idea what was even going on! All I know is that it was awesome. The colors were just amazing. It seemed like something from "Neon Genesis Evangelion". The drawings were great.

It seemed like a bunch of gifs put together. That worked out wonderfully. Everything was constantly changing. That's important in something so short. It deserves its high score.

This was one of the best episodes ever! It's mostly because it was about cats! Cats are awesome! Well, this cat was kind of evil. I doubt he was literally smoking a cigarette. The ear joke was amazing.

I was waiting to get to the part where he attacked you. You really put some good backstory into this cat. I am glad to have never run into a cat like that. I don't know much about cross eyed cats. He definitely looks scary.

Aww, I missed not seeing that brewstew clip at the end. I'm so used to it. I totally thought he would be the bad neighbor in this scenario. I have dealt with this a lot. Well, the other neighbors were definitely bad. They have been extremely loud.

The cops were called when I was...I should stop right there. The best part was seeing the baboons on pogo sticks. I doubt that really happened. Vacuum cleaner fights don't sound fun. These episodes seem to be getting longer all the time.

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