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Wow, this had some weird animation. I didn't understand what was really going on. The animation was easily the best part. I appreciate how you keep the jokes going. I appreciate these weird designs. These characters just look so funny.

That green guy looks like Mickey Mouse. I liked that Cartman character. Oh, so he was Irish. It was kind of hard to keep up with. It was still more mundane than most submissions here.

Well, the animation was quite good. I just couldn't quite get into it. It didn't seem to have that much point. There's plenty of OneyPlays cartoons out there. This was just a lot wearker than most entries. This SephirothSword57 sure lived for a long time.

Don't judge me by this score. I thought it was at the very least passable. It's very easy to recognize your art style. Pirates are usually cool. Snails, not so much.

Hmmm, I never thought of their relationship like this. It's still funny to see some great animation. I'm glad you included the subtitles. She does look more feminine. We expect relationships everywhere. Well, they're usually gay.

I had to love this great animation. I'm glad to have seen it. I thought it set some record for shortest high rated cartoon. I'm sure there have been shorter. I'm sure there have been shorter.

This was a rather sweet little cartoon. Was it kind of boring? I guess technically so. It still had wonderful style to it. My favorite part was probably when it showed the drawing styles. They were upside letters.

The colors were just beautiful. I'm glad it wasn't too long either. It's a very cute little cartoon. It had very cool designs. Perfect for May!

This was good, but I did think it was too short. The best part was probably the animation. It was kind of wonky, but worked well for the tone. It kept sounding like they were saying the f-word at times. I guess "Fox" just sounds a lot like it. The explosion was cool too.

The title is pretty funny too. I guess it could have used more shenanigans. The colors were very nice. Everything counts in a cartoon like this. While not great for me, still rather enjoyable.

Tiltro responds:

When I was animating the audio I thought the same thing as well. Also glad you thought the explosion was cool, I don’t do much effects like that so I’m glad it turned out well. Thanks for the review I appreciate the honesty.

Dang, another great cartoon! I don't think you could surpass that. It really is mostly action. The artwork is what really sells it. You have a good amount of character development here. As expected, that's hard to do in a single short.

Even the tiny details are great. I love the caterpillar at 3:13. It's just a very cute touch. I can see why this is at the top of the page. This definitely has the potential to be a series.

Wow, that was incredible! The best part was probably the animation. It reminded me of "The Amazing Digital Circus". If only we had a cartoon that popular back here. Anna Logue's a pretty funny name. There's more in this series?

It was nice to include their names at the end. With how crazy this is, it's easy to not remember their names! I mean, there's so much insanity going on here! It's just a very fun and creative cartoon. Who knew flowers could make something so hectic?

MachoBoyANIM responds:

Weeds often cause trouble under the surface, you know.
Also thank you so much, TADC is a great show and I got more planned for this series indeed.

Wow, this was a great little cartoon. I especially loved the references to the other entries. Pebbles is an odd name for a knight. It took me that long to say this? I actually kind of felt bad for the green knight. I should feel more sorry for Pebbles.

There may be an ongoing plot! It would be amazing to see all these cartoons together. The animation was as perfect as ever. This is one of your longest submissions. Well, still not too long.

This was a pretty cute little cartoon. It was kind of odd. The bug just looked so weird. He was still pretty cute though! I appreciate how good the animation was. Sploot's a funny name.

Seeing the bug in the cup was uh, nice. It's just an odd cartoon. I'm glad it wasn't too long. They looked more like weird aliens. Wait, that's what they were!

Yikes, that's a lot of credits for something only three minutes long! I thought this would be like some huge collab as a lengthy cartoon. I liked how it was a big "Spongebob Squarepants" reference. Of course I saw that episode. I was impressed by the animation. I appreciate how much effort was put into it.

I realize we rarely get "Plants Vs. Zombies" submissions here. That really is a popular game! It's great to see so many people united for one cartoon! I thought he'd joke on the peas. That's what happened to Patrick!

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