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Dang, I wasn't expecting it get that intense. I don't really know much about Drake, anyway. This seemed to enforce stranger danger. This guy looked like a "Death Note" character. He was certainly odd. The animation was so fast moving in this.

It was quite impressive. This is indeed inappropriate for a library. Well, really anywhere. I love how well paced it was. You just always had something going on.

Wow, I understand it. It took me awhile to realize it was a loop. I was wondering what the fire being put on meant. I think the idea was that the house was filled with gas. It would explode right after the cartoon ended. I was annoyed by how this was filmed.

Um, I mean how it was shot. The narrow thing was annoying, but I guess it was appropriate. This animation was gorgeous. I guess we're meant to think for ourselves for what happens next. It's like a Creepypasta like that.

Happy April? That seems more like Happy April Fool's Day! This was just so adorable! I loved how simplistic it was. This is probably your best animation yet. That's a lot of tomatoes.

I really love the different art style used. The lion joke was really good too. She really is just adorable. That's not an orange! It's not even colored orange!

I appreciate how great this animation is! It was just great to see something funny like shirts attack. Have I ever seen that before? We've seen killer versions of anything. I admit to being confused as to why he'd let the knife shirt go away. Who cares, this is awesome.

It's just so funny to see shirts act like that. They seem to have invisible hands with that knife he (it?) holds. The colors are very nice too. That's important in fashion. It kind of reminds me of that episode of "Steven Universe'.

Dang, I had no idea this would be that good! I thought it was going to be a game at first! A lot of the stuff here didn't even have to do with Jimmy and Baby. I thought it might end when they went to Hell. I mean, I knew it wouldn't. That was when it really took off!

The animation was absolutely incredible. I'm surprised this wasn't rated "A". I mean, there was a lot of nudity. Then again, it was mostly just single dots for nipples and not well detailed vaginas. So many great gags, like the bullet stabbing the guy. The colors were gorgeous too.

Wow, these voices were absolutely amazing! Wait, it did come from another source (Vinesauce). Never mind, it's still incredible. I noticed how cartoon garbage always looks. It's like these green masses of goop. Real garbage isn't like that!

It's in bags! Saddam Hussein died a long time ago. Oh, who am I kidding? We're still talking about Hitler today! The animation was wonderfully suited too.

This was quite a cute little cartoon. It somewhat reminded me of "Over The Garden Wall". The best part was when it showed the giant live-action dinosaur skeleton. I assume that was live-action. You also had the giant spider drawn in a nice manner. It probably could have used more action.

It was very enjoyable to see this style of animation. You knew how to represent this environment well. It also kind of reminded me of "Adventure Time!". It's a good little homage as you mentioned. It might be more enjoyable as an actual game.

Okay, that ending was hilarious. I had no idea it would end up like that. I mean, I knew it was going to be violent. You're known for stuff like that. This is why I talk specifically about the hair left to my barber. The animation was very nice.

I thought I'd be disappointed by something so short. I'm glad it was a really original joke. Your animation style is easy to recognize. I guess for how weird it was, it does count as "Other". It certainly wasn't Spam.

Uh wow, that was weird. I have to admit this was very bizarre. It was just lyrics with a doll going with it. She kind of looked like Amethyst. I didn't know it would be that vulgar. I mean, it was mostly the context.

That's what makes it so unexpected. It's still very bold in its own right. I mean, this is a pretty unique cartoon. It is pretty catchy. It was interesting to watch something that focused on visuals in an odd way.

MelieConieK responds:

Check out the animated short this is from. This is just a sing along video for it. :)

This reminds me of this one sketch on "Robot Chicken". It showed a cyclops killing Jesus with a club over and over. I think this was even more deaths. It was so refreshing to see another submission in this series. It was so well animated. It even reminds me of "Castle Crashers".

I guess that's just because it's about knights. Hey, they're not too common here! There should be a game out of this. I counted ten deaths! How impressive!

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