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This was a good cartoon, but I admit that it had flaws. The closeups were pretty dumb. It's hard to do that with sprites. It seems like Mario flashes here haven't gone to hand drawn stuff either. I didn't understand where this thing came from. It was still nice.

I thought it was awesome to see how you used perspective in this. I wasn't sure where Mario was going in the beginning! The music was great too. I guess most of these were inspired by "Rise Of The Mushroom Kingdom". They're still good in their own right.

Yes I love this cartoon! It's exactly what you'd expect from this series. I really do appreciate how many kills there are in this. Not even Krinkels could probably count! The animation is just gorgeous. While it had little of a plot, I didn't care.

I just loved how fast paced it was. Even when his sword was broken, he managed to use it one last time as a weapon. I keep being reminded of that ABC show. I wish I could see new episodes. It holds up wonderfully over the years.

That certainly good. I will admit that I didn't like how it was so long. I thought it would be a music video at first. It had a lot more of a story as it went on. It was still enjoyable. You really didn't know what would happen next.

I was confused as to why it was labeled a "comedy" at first. I guess it was a dark comedy. The details were certainly nice. You told a lot without dialogue. It was pretty enjoyable.

This is fine just as a simple test. That was also one reason why it could have been so much better. You shouldn't just put tests up on this website. It does look pretty nice. I feel bad for not knowing more about "StarCraft". At least I know it's popular.

The sounds were pretty good. I like the skulls with all the sharp teeth. Is that are creatures in that game look like? The giant bug is nicely designed. It's just not memorable.

Okay, it seems like this is making some progress. This appears to be more realistic. There's more of a logical approach to things. It's still pretty much the same thing over and over. I like how those two are siblings. It adds some directness to the series.

Is "directness" even a word? It's still too cartoonish. This kind of violence doesn't belong in something that's supposed to be realistic. That's my problem with this series. It was never for me.

It was a bit too short, but still fun. I thought that this would be about a butterfly causing a tornado or something. It's that idea that a butterfly flapping its wings causing something on the other side of the world to happen. I was in no way expecting this. The fact that it's so gory at the end makes it all the more brilliant. It's so unexpected.

The title works so well for it, too. It's great how something that seems so simple can be so insane. It got a bit redundant, though. In the end, it was worth it. I certainly appreciated it.

I found this to be a nice cartoon. It's so good to see Joanime again. I guess she was just really active at this time. I miss her and a lot of other people. I thought this would be something really religious. It was more of something that was quick and silly.

It still had a good feeling to it. The animation does seem dated. Yeah, I can tell that it's old. The song is pretty nice. This is a fine cartoon of its kind.

This is even better than the first part. I just love how they mention how everything works around there. It's great to see them kill each other accidentally so often. You really do understand what these guys go through. I noticed one of their voices sounded different. I love the action.

Everything moves at such a funny pace. The cartoon's actual comments tell you why this series or this cartoon is so popular. They all have unique weapons. I guess the blue guys have bones too. They don't other times, but I don't care.

I love how you do something original. It's impressive how this only took a week to make. I heard a 22 minute cartoon takes months to make! Anyway, I loved how there was no blank space. You seemed to use a new format here. The voices are as funny as ever.

It's weird how those green guys seem to have bones. Well, they're really only in their head and arms. I don't know how that works. It was cool to see the Boogie Monster again. He has such a great design.

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