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It's so cool to see how this gets better with each episode. I really like how loyal is to the original Madness series. Looking back, this is pretty old for Madness tributes. It seems like yours was one of the first really popular ones. It's great to see all these designs. The music is wonderful too.

That's what was really lacking in the first episode. These things usually have great tunes. I thought that quote was from another episode. It wasn't actually by Joseph Stalin, though. It's nice to see that Fu Manchu guy again.

I did not like this enough to recommend. I at least thought it was passable. It's pretty standard stuff. I don't think the animation holds up that well. It was a bit too cliché. I still think it lives up to what it should.

I like stuff based on old folklore. I was just looking up stuff about the Krampus today. The music was really nice in this. It added a lot of style. It was a fairly fun cartoon.

I found this cartoon to be good, but it wasn't great. I guess it just came off as too weird for me. I still appreciate seeing the good animation. It was pretty unpredictable too. I'm glad it wasn't too long. It just came off a bit too silly for me.

It's still something that I would recommend. The sounds are quite nice. Yes, our thirst can drive us to do crazy things. I think the artwork holds up. The music is nice as well.

Wow, over 485 pages of reviews and I'm the first one in years to review this. I'm so glad, because it's great! "The Matrix" series may have been over for a long time, but its legacy lives on. The sounds and music are amazing. Joanime just draws good looking women. I wish she was back here.

At first, I was disappointed that LegendaryFrog didn't animate one. I then realized he just worked on two parts, one as the writer! I think my favorite would have to be the first one. It just seemed to capture the spirit best. Gerkinman's part was great too, though.

I admit that I was turned off at how short this was. That being said, it wasn't bad at all. The animation was quite good. I really appreciated this character's design. It's just that this didn't seem enough for a full cartoon. The details are fine.

This character could certainly be used well. I guess her name is based on Megatron. I like the creativity. It isn't too rewarding. It's fine for what it is.

I'm surprised this didn't win Daily Feature. I seriously think it's one of the best in the series. The best part is how unpredictable it is. It's great that you take on something as crazy as a horoscope. The best part is probably with the 14 year old looking guy. The voices were as good as ever.

I just noticed that new Newgrounds preloader. It's even on the old submissions! You used a lot of interesting objects in this. That's different than the usual stuff. Horoscopes are just that dumb.

I don't remember other numbered things in this series. Wait, it's part of something a lot of people are doing. It's great to have the great animation and voices. I feel bad for not remembering the names of the characters or anything. It's still great to watch. I was confused about the one guy transforming into a human.

I like how it has an ongoing story. I think it does at least. It's nice to see these guys play off each other. It shows great dynamics. It's just a very nice and soft cartoon.

Warlord-of-Noodles responds:

I figured that I ought to... even if it's the only series I'm doing now.... unfortunately I can't figure out how to change the titles on the old ones^^0. So it looks a little odd. Ustacould. Dunno what changed.

I found this to be a decent cartoon. I admit that it wasn't anything that elaborate. I still appreciated it. I'm so glad that you made this in honor of your grandfather. It's always great to be honoring our troops. They sacrifice so much so that we can be safe at home.

The music was really nice. I think the animation could have been a little better. It was still pretty good. I think the small file size worked well. God bless our troops!

I guess I didn't hate this as much as most people. Yeah...that's not saying much. I guess this was an animutation. I'm starting to see why they lost popularity. I didn't like how there were barely any pop culture references. It was just generic drawings.

I expect something more with an animutation. The drawings were pretty cheap looking. Was the title supposed to be about Chocobos? Was this a "Final Fantasy" song? It just didn't do much for me.

I was really impressed by this. It's amazing how people are obsessed over how these characters should look. There's one that already is black. I think Tiana is her name. The artwork was really good. I especially like the references to the circle cartoons.

It's been awhile since I've heard about those. I've never heard of the word "hilaria" before. I wouldn't be surprised if it was something you made up. I just love the bits with the dumb guy. It's a really funny cartoon.

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