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I see a spot in the statistics

This was not that good to watch, because it was just the same image the entire thing. The thing that's bad is that this is actually a nice picture in its own right. If you had put this in the art portal, I imagine it would get far better reviews. As you are a member of the Clock Crew, you probably do not care that much about winning positive awards anyway. I guess next time you should add a lot more animation. There was some heart put into this, but you still need to show your creativity off better.

SirCannabisClock responds:

fun fact: I did submit it to the art section and currently the score is worse with no reviews at all.

But for the most part I agreed with everything else you said.


With this being Newgrounds, I thought this was going to turn into something dirty, but it wasn't at all. My gosh, you guys have really come down with something that is truthful and sincere! I love you for making this fantastic work of art! The music was absolutely perfect and it makes me think about all of the things you are going to be missing in your life if you end it shortly. I was actually going through some tough emotional periods in my own life and this truly cheered me up. There is a special place in Heaven for you, my friend; you're doing God's work.

Does need improvement

I guess the artwork could have been worse, but the main flaw with this is that it just lacked in creativity. You really needed more sound effects as everything was basic. I guess it was not terrible, but quite bland. You should work with shadings and stuff with your flash and it would be great if you threw in some voice actors (I would definitley want to help, hee hee). There was just not much about this that was unique at all, and with all the things being submitted, you need to have more things just to stand out. Oh well, Happy Halloween I suppose.

Abracadabra123 responds:

Yeah. If I can find a good bitmap to flash vector convertor who can work with SWF easy, the artworks will be improved. Anyway, I make movies for fun only. Not to win an award or becaume a popular author.

Not upload indeed

I just have to say right now you are awesome for including that little message at the end of the cartoon. My biggest complaint is that it was a little too short, but definitley unexpected. Do I have a perverted mind when I was thinking he was going to do something else with the pig? The artwork was great, especially Link who is just a great character to see in flashes, as you might have told by my own appearance. It did seem like it was not that appropriate for the "Legend Of Zelda" game but still good. I certainly had no clue at all what was going to happen.

Was that real audio from the game?

I have no idea that was the Valve logo nor do I really have any idea what the Valve logo even is. What matters is that you did a parody of a truly awesome game. Granted, I have never played it myself so I can not judge, but at least the cutscenes look fantastic. The funniest part was probably when that one guy got punched who was talking about "Team Fortress 2". The animation was really good, but it was a bit hard to understand what the message of it was. Well, I mean the genre, as what it was was clearly stated in the title.

Falconer02 responds:

Hey, thanks a lot! Admittedly it is kind of an inside joke for people who play Valve games, but fortunately they're all quite popular games. L4D rocks, so I highly suggest you play it.

The best

This was one of the funniest cartoons I have seen in a long time. You know, that vegetable girl is so hot, you think she would bring the gay out of him! Anyway, the voices were flawless and it was great to see so many talented people contribute to this. Another great thing about this was the animation which was just spectacular. While it was obviously intended to be more of a comedic flash, the graphics made it look so artsy. You really do deserve to have this submission featured as the preview icon for Halloween 2010!

Hello, Halo Reach!

This was great fun to watch because I think it really show how far you have gotten with stuff here. I think it actually manages to be more mature than previous stuff you made. Granted, it does have penises jumping around (my favorite part) and drug use, but the whole thing just seems more stylistic than some of your other stuff. You can always improve on your stuff without having to look dignified in your work. Short, but sweet like a lot of your stuff there and I wish I played video games on my console to be that excited. I'm sure it's great.

Don't be so cynical

Wow, I just realized that I had no idea what you even looked like (if that even if what you look like anyway). It was really weird with how this managed to get a much higher rating than the actual cartoon. I had no idea your voice for Mickey was the same as your regular voice. I originally thought this was just going to be a prank submission featuring porn or something. Well, in a way it was, but definitley better than a lot of the other stuff out there. It was especially weird to watch a submission from you that did not have that cool thing at the end.

Diddy Kong?!

Well, I have to give you minus points because you did not include any hot video game chicks at all really! At least you managed to keep everybody in character and the story did go well. I think that these are good as a psychological study to understand exactly why Mickey is the way he is. I am already starting to guess at why he was chosen to work on the video game sketches. Was he perhaps the son of some great video game designer or was he a video game champ who was humiliated and thus swore he would never play video games again? We'll just have to find out.

The first polar bear!

I enjoyed watching this because it was simply so insane and it had the first polar bear who also briefly turned into Pedobear! I could not help but be reminded of animation by Eddsworld, not that I am saying you are ripping them off. The funniest part was probably when he was beating up the penguins and called them ducks. Is that why there are no penguins in the North Pole, only the South Pole? The animation just moved very fluidly, but what would you expect from something that involved getting drunk? While I have never gotten drunk before, if I could spend time with a bear, it would be worth it.

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