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I am sorry, but I didn't find this entertaining. It's mostly because I couldn't understand it. It was just something that seemed to have no point. I guess the Claymation effects were pretty good. Why was that word automatically capitalized? Whatever, this wasn't too memorable.

I couldn't even see the zit. I guess the title was pretty cool. The voices weren't bad. This just had no aim or goal. It's just something that has really nothing that stands out.

I loved this, if only because you used this song. I guess it is more or less the same as the original. The animation was perfect. It's just great to hear this tone. I didn't even know those were the lyrics to it. It's all so clear now.

It's been awhile since I've seen your cartoons. There was so much style in this. It was chock full of energy! This is one you're one of my favorite artists here. It was a little too short, though.

I admit that I was confused as to how this had nothing to do with 911. I mean, you made one for 2002. Anyway, this is freaking hilarious. The best part is just how long this gag goes on. It looks like it's just something for the opening shot.

It turns out that was the whole cartoon! The gay bar joke was pretty good too. The animation is quite good. That gag with the dinosaur was great. The meta joke at the end was great too.

I gave myself a little punch in the face for not adding this to my favorites. I have never cried harder and more consistently on anything on this website than while watching this. I love the spirit this has. There was this other defunct website that had this as the most viewed thing on the entire website. You deserved it. This really should have millions of views.

It's the best 911 cartoon I've ever seen. You simply have no bullshit with this. I don't normally say that word in my reviews, but I will here. It is that good. The voice and music were completely perfect. God bless you, man.

For the most part I enjoyed it, but it was pretty weird. The song really had nothing to do with the story. It's still a fairly good song. Is that the whole thing? The animation was fairly good. It was quite unpredictable.

It just seemed like this lacked focus. I still like how it was unique. The credits were nice. It was just nothing too memorable. I like how these little egg things attack, though.

I found this to be better than the first one. It still wasn't good, though. I appreciate the animation. You certainly had more going on this time. I like the idea of using bullets against a ninja. The action scene was pretty good.

I am glad that this was a series. There should be more things going on. This was just too short. Ninjas are still really awesome. You got that part right at least.

It feels sad to see that videogamedc shirt now that Randy Solem has passed away. It was cool to see that Perfect Kirby 4 poster in the background. It still hasn't come out yet. I'm drooling because Joanna is seriously the most beautiful character ever drawn. I didn't notice the author's commentary at first. It was like riffing on your own work!

I love how you included a plot with this. I imagine people would be made if you made fun of your games like that. This is seriously another great installment. It's unique from the first one. The animation is also still quite good.

I just wanted to say that I love this cat character. Everything she does is cute and hilarious! I wish the whole cartoon was about her. Anyway, this is a great cartoon in itself. All the voices were wonderful. I had no idea it would be for something that brief.

It's still pretty rewarding, though. I love how he says he's just a figment of Iggy's imagination. I thought his name would be spelled "Eggy". The animation moved so nice and fluidly. I'm glad you guys all worked on it.

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Joined on 9/21/08

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