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Oh, I get the last joke. He punched her into next year. Luckily, that we aren't far from it. I admit the animation could be better. Why does Amy sound like a black man? Well, I haven't seen your other things.

Congratulations on getting the thumbnail for Christmas 2018! I knew this existed. Robotnik's voice is pretty funny. I did like seeing those sad kids. Boy, am I sick.

This did end up impressing me. Or should I say depressed? I know I heard that last line from some comic book. He did the same thing, kill himself. This was rather sad. I do admit the animation could be better.

It still sends out a strong story. You made great stuff back than. The music's rather suiting. I hope to never be this depressed. I've never been addicted to anything.

That was insane even by your standards. I thought it was about food. Instead, it was about really everything. Now that's variety. I looked up what scampi is. It means shrimp, even though there were none in this.

I've forgotten how prolific you are. You've done pretty much everything. It seems very British. It goes out of sync after awhile. This was great with how goofy it was as always.

Yeah, I didn't care for this. It was just a guy playing with his lightsaber. I mean, where's the fun in that? I've seen much better. They don't like live-action stuff here. Well, I always love variety.

Should have been done when a "Star Wars" movie was out. It doesn't hold up well at all. You have done better. Well, it was an early submission from you. I recognized that SW.

I was impressed again by this! Ben told a lot without words. Dang, was he prolific. I wasn't expecting there to be a vomit monster. Well, you shouldn't drink pee. There's a reason why that stuff comes out of your body!

It was quite unpredictable. It's a great sequel! Maybe this should have had its own section. Kind of like "Captain Underpants" only more mature. Well, not really mature.

Wow, the Ku Klux Klan look so stupid with their pointy hats. You have to make fun of people like that. I can tell this is an older cartoon. Weird how you put it in order. I had no idea this was eddsworld! I seem to hear that same old timey music all the time.

The cartoon gets better as it goes on. A pity these were forgotten. The ratings are still high! Hey, that's the "Cow And Chicken" theme at the end! Well, maybe they didn't come up with it.

I don't remember the other installments. Well, hard to keep track of six cartoons. It needs its own section! Not as good as "Castle Repercussions" but still great. The best part is probably how anthropomorphic these guys can get. They really do feel more like stick figures.

It's nothing but action. It still doesn't come off as stupid. That's what they said about "Bumblebee"! This was very fun. It's always nice to have scene selection too.

This was good, but I didn't think it was great. Boy, do I have power! I thought this was a game at first. I was thinking of the fan game made after Ben died. This is still good. The running time was pretty nice.

This really is a well animated cartoon. There's lots of action. Ben was so unique with his stuff. He seems like he was made by a different artist than "Stick Slayer". Maybe pee is too crude.

I can tell "The Matrix Revolutions" came out at this time. I thought everyone hated that movie? I think this was your first submission. It really had nothing to do with "The Matrix". This is still a good song. Before most websites, this was an easy way to hear songs.

It was too short. We want to hear the whole song. Still, it's okay for a first submission. I like the "Thing-Thing" series much better. Doesn't everybody?

I have never seen this movie. I recognize the parts from the Nostalgia Critic's review. He's reviewed pretty much every bad movie. I admit that the animation was really shoddy. It wouldn't be a problem if not for the fact that it goes on so long. It's not enough for a 15 minute cartoon.

Dang, everyone used that Matrix music at this time. I can tell this is something early from Afro-Ninja. We all get better later. I guess the jokes were fine. It just doesn't hold up well.

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