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This was really funny, because I had no idea what would happen. I thought it would show a scene where the boss was the one who physically hurt the employee. I thought the employee was actually hurt his boss in the end. None of that stuff happened! I really loved the animation change at the end. I'm glad it wasn't too long either.

The jokes worked well for their running time. A face in the fryer is the ultimate death. I always am kind of anxious about those things. I've worked in restaurants my whole life. They always had a fryer.

This was great, but it wasn't...that great? I love the animation. At first, I was disappointed it wasn't longer, but I'm glad it was only halfway done and there was more! Then I was disappointed that a fourth of it was lyrics. This was really nice. We all know what it's like to first drive.

Luckily, we don't all know crazy drivers. Yeah, that commercial cut makes sense. I guess every guy sounds like Egoraptor nowadays. They even kind of look like him. The facial expressions are wonderful even without lip syncing.

Wow, this was fantastic! This might be the best pirate cartoon I've ever seen on this website! It mostly works because it has so much energy! You are one of the most advanced animation techniques I've ever seen. I loved seeing every single detail. You don't have many pirate cartoons here at all.

As a music video, it doesn't need that much of a story. Well, music videos do frequently have plot here. I loved all the colors too. P-A-R-T-Y? That's a joke from "The Mask".

I thought Egoraptor would himself be making this. It's a pity how he left the website. Anyway, this was still hilarious. My favorite part was when he said, "Ehh, it's a trope!". I've heard of how popular this Hoppy game is on the Internet. It was nice to actually see a video about it.

Yeah, I knew a graphic version of this would exist. I haven't seen an Awesome cartoon like this in a long time. I don't see that many Flintstones material out there. As if I didn't hate Gazoo enough. I'm not someone to get on the bandwagon of hating characters, but I still hate him.

I was pretty surprised by the "Oh shit". It seemed so kid friendly at first. I thought the bad robot looked like one from "Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog". I like how cartoonish it was. I knew it would be a dream at first. In a way, his dream came true.

I thought this might be short, but it made sense to be longer. Boy, did this get a higher score than the other ones today! I can tell a lot of people worked on it. Well, most stuff have a lot of credits and info anyway. I knew there'd be a darker moment at the end.

I was expecting this to be serious from the thumbnail. It was in fact rather silly. Well, maybe more at the end. The animation was of course amazing. I can say that about any great cartoon really. I love this character's design.

I'm used to watching the Spongebob collab. I guess I just have fish on my mind. I didn't know where this was going. I was certainly glad for that. It was just a very fun cartoon.

Wow, that was hilarious. The animation was just amazing. I am not familiar with Cackletta. There's a lot of Mario spinoffs that have more plot people are unaware of. Oh, it's audio from "Adventure Time". That was unexpected.

It's weird to put Fanart as a tag. I knew this would be short. We have a lot of great shorts like this after all. This seems like part of a collab. Maybe I'm just used to watching the Spongebob one.

You know, that's the longest flash cartoon ever created! I mean, it's a total of 101 minutes long! You seriously need to call "Guinness World Records"! Okay, I don't know what that scene at the end was about, but I assume it was something made for just this submission! Well, even if it was two parts, I still think it counts. I guess it was just people impersonating the voice actors.

I feel bad for Sandy. Her only lines were "I paid ten" and "Yee-ha!". Luckily, she got a much bigger role in the next movie. Hmmm, maybe you could do a re-animated of that sometime? I'm glad you counted every single scene because I certainly couldn't! Here I was thinking the "Toy Story 2" collab would be coming out first. Happy Pico Day or whatever because this is fantastic!

The credits were 18 minutes long, which may be the longest credits I've seen in my entire life! Yeah, I guess this technically wasn't as good as the first part, because of too many credits. As the movie's 87 minutes long, I know this spanned the length of the whole movie. Mindy the mermaid's my favorite character. Well, favorite new character in the movie. Congratulations to me on my longest review ever here!!

Wow, you actually remade the whole thing, like for real! At first, I wasn't sure if this used the actual audio. This is so awesome it doesn't even matter. They should change this from Pico Day to Spongebob Day! My favorite part might have been the live-action bit when they first went to get the key. I thought there would be tons of people under Credits and info.

I guess it would just go on forever. Anyway, why isn't this listed as an official movie with the Newgrounds logo? Well, maybe it is as I know "Klay World: Off The Table" was. Well, that wasn't even released here. I have forgotten how good this movie was. Any re-animated collab this massive deserves to be this highly rated.

I wish you'd release all these cartoons as a compilation. It probably wouldn't even take up a whole minute. I'm not that much into Duke Nukem. The animation is the true strength here. Pico Day? Oh, I remember something like this I said before.

Pico Day has become more about Newgrounds in general. "Madness Combat" certainly qualifies. That character has been called both Jesus and Jebus. I'll call him Jebus. That makes him more unique.

GlitchArtTV responds:

This is not for Pico Day. Me and a group of friend are making an animation for PicoDay.
I made this because I like madcom, not for a reward :|

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