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It's a weird title, as the most used color was green. Well, it was red at first. Anyway, this was great to look at. I couldn't help but be reminded of Buzz Lightyear. Then again, maybe Buzz was just meant to look like a generic astronaut. It still looks similar.

It reminds me of the stuff by ZekeySpaceyLizard. Is that you, ZSL? Anyway, it was certainly unpredictable. It's hard to tell if this was benefiting the planet. I probably shouldn't look at such weird cartoons that way.

This was certainly unpredictable. Okay, I didn't mean that in the strictest sense. I thought as far as short loops go, this was quite good. It helps that the animation is so nice. There's always movement going on. It's even a great perspective.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a gravity themed contest. Then again, don't all cartoons feature gravity? The sounds were quite nice. It's very unique for a loop. It didn't take me long to figure out that's what it was.

I know a lot of people will think this is racist, but I just found it funny. It seems weird you made that strange outline. I think this would have worked better as an actual game. It's a bit too short. At least it isn't the only one in the series. The sound effects are quite good.

My favorite part was when Blario shot the roof and the blocks hit that koopa in the eye. It's a pretty colorful cartoon. It does seem a bit cheap to make black jokes. It's not quite something I would recommend. It's at least passable.

While short, this was still really good. I was just expecting it to be longer, what with how it was called "animations". It was more about animations and not really animations in itself. I certainly wasn't expecting that. I love how he had a real butt for awhile. It's funny to just see it pop out like that.

The sounds were great. I can recognize almost all of them. The animation is quite good. It started off pretty weird. For the most part, it was good.

Happy birthday, dude! What a coincidence. I was just contacted by someone who was wishing me a late birthday. Mine is on May 23rd. I don't remember the previous birthday thing you made. You are so prolific, it is often hard to remember them all. You still do great work.

I like how you imitate the audience. It kind of reminds me of Jim Gaffigan. The song was really funny. I loved all the references you made. I hope you have a long, prosperous life!

This was different than most episodes. I probably liked it better that way. It's mostly because you have such good CGI. The two characters seem to be done in a different style. I mean, it's hard to think of different style when doing CGI. It's weird to think that it still hasn't caught on, on this website after all these years.

The music was great. It's nice to just have talking. Okay, there was action in it. I'm getting more familiar with these characters. It's hard to tell with such a large cast.

SplashKhat responds:

The character models came right off the FF7 Playstation CD. There's an app that allows you to position each piece of the model and export as an image. It gets tedious since each model has 20+ parts. Myself and Princess Artemis spent some hours piecing together the few poses you saw here.

Nowdays you got 3D toolkits that can import models directly into flash and animate them. I'm looking forward to doing just that for the final chapter of the series.

Hmm, this is pretty weird. I know I've reviewed this before, but I can't find it. Anyway, this was a great cartoon. The music really made it. It was interesting to see this big thing. It just works so well with the contrast.

It's great to see Tifa here too. FFVII is the most well known in the entire series. I've never played any of the games, but I am still somewhat familiar with it. The sounds were fairly good. There's some good creativity in this.

Looks like the other scenes aren't here. I liked this cartoon. It wasn't quite as good as the first one, if only because it didn't have that awesome MK song. I'm sorry, you can just never go wrong with it! I liked how it showed clips from the first one. The artwork is about as good.

It seemed a bit cheesy looking. I do like how it was different. You did show them in space. I guess I'm not familiar with the game this was based on. It was certainly decent.

I admit to being confused by this. It was hard to even tell what to think. It was just basically this weird video game cutscene. I still liked it overall. It's mostly because of that awesome Mortal Kombat music. You can never go wrong with it!

It just makes every fight better! A lot of the animation looked off. It did manage to be unique. I don't know where the first fourteen scenes are. It was fairly innovative.

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