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I feel bad for not being more familiar with the series. I do really like this. That was a pretty funny way to list the audio. The music was of course great. It was good how you showed the passage of time in this. I thought this series was numbered at first?

I would love to see an update for this. You had good visuals, too. It's nice how I'm starting to feel for the characters. Well, I can at least remember their names. That was good battle too.

SplashKhat responds:

If you had watched them from the Series page (link in my profile) they are ordered from top to bottom. When I first started these, I had no idea I'd be making over a dozen of them, so I didn't number them till much later.

The game most of these characters came from was hard to play. Every spell had levels. Cure1 could be level 1. And it became stronger the more you used it. And then when you learn Cure2 it's at level 1. So you had to grind and train your characters to become good with magic.

Other then visual effects, camera, and perhaps a longer fight, The story for this chapter is solid. I wouldn't change anything there other then to make it more obvious that their spells had levels. While some were weak, they could also be very powerful.

Well, the first post 911 episode. Okay, I really shouldn't get into that. I truly appreciate how all of these characters have a role. The sounds were quite good. It was nice to see Black Mage like that. It's weird how everyone just dies in this.

Then again, there are as many characters as there are deaths. I suppose it was more realistic. I really like how the monsters are depicted. It was great to see Chocobos and Moogles in this. It gives a good actual connection between the games.

Wow, I can't believe this won Weekly User's Choice but nothing else! Well, I guess it was the last in a series. Aliens and Bigfoot! Now all we need is a ghost! Wait, I think there is one that appears later in something else. The jokes were so good in this.

Yep, I know what it's like to buy expensive books. Not so with meeting aliens or Bigfoot though. It's nice to see the black ninja appear for the first time, or dark ninja or whoever he is. I love the weird title and fake name. I like how the red haired guy is still smarter than Karl.

Aw yes, the first appearance of Kung Fu Carl. He's the only thing new about College University nowadays. I really love how Parks is more observant. I guess he is the only one to notice Gorp. It kind of reminds me of Roger from "American Dad!". Wait, is he a ripoff of your character?

The most memorable part was the listing of the books. For modern philosophy, we just have comedians. This really is developing more of a story. Well, as part of an episode, it should.

I love this episode, if only because of the opening with Unicron. I could tell it would be a dream. Of course, it's kind of weird as Optimus Prime does appear later in the series. I also really like Punchy. The animation does look a little dated. It's still nice to see all this interaction.

Yep, I had to deal with this awhile back. Okay, no kangaroos, but still. Never had to be part of a dorm, though. It'll be great to see Kung Fu Carl for the first time! It still seems like an average length episode.

I was quite impressed by this! I am really surprised it didn't win Daily Feature. It's some really powerful stuff! I guess its only flaw was that it was too short. I felt you could have told more. It's great that you honor a Holocaust survivor.

It's so nice to see people become aware of this. It's too bad it's so dark. He did in fact become an atheist. It was at least interesting to see the animated effects. Oh, and this was shortly before 911 happened...

Yeah, that was the best in the series. I really appreciate how good the animation is. It's amazing how stick figures can move so fluidly! Please stop killing them, stick slayer! JK, I know that's not really anti-stick. The music was great as well.

It seems like you never replicated a facial expression. I love all the little things these guys do. It was a great ending as well. I'm not sure if it was an intentional joke to make the balloon red. You know, to match his blood.

I didn't care that much for this. There's nothing really too good or bad about it. It just came off as bland. The music is probably the best part. I forgotten how good that tune is. I think there should have been voice acting. It might have worked better if it was a game.

The name's pretty cool. It doesn't have that much to do with electronics, though. The artwork doesn't hold up well. It just looks poorly detailed. This was just mediocre.

I don't really see how this was much of a special edition. It was quite different than the original. It was more of a remake if nothing else. That being said, it's still quite fun. These are great CGI effects. I guess those STILL haven't become standard on the website after all these years.

The music was quite good. It was weird how you had one choice right after another. It was even weirder with how you could only take the blue pill! The voices are quite good. This was a decent series.

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