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The first one was too short, but this was one was a little too long. It's still much better than the original, though. I guess Matrix hype has died down over the years. Blame the Nostalgia Critic. Anyway, it's great to see this fluid animation. It really is great!

The BenderSmith(?) voice is really on par. Bender's voice isn't bad either. It was a little slow moving, though. The Pillsbury Dough Boy was funny. It was quite faithful to the movie.

This wasn't that appealing to me. I think it should have been a bit shorter. I didn't quite get the joke. It actually does get pretty funny at the end. I found this a little boring. I prefer the VGDC cartoons.

There were a lot of sprite cartoons where you had to advance the dialogue by yourself. I guess it was nice to see Mega Man there. I wish we could have seen Dr. Wily go through the levels. Then again, that would have just made it longer. That was just mediocre.

I didn't care for this. The animation looks very dated. It seems like this was just the same as "The Matrix". You should have included some author's comments about that. At least acknowledge or joke about it. I do like the music in this.

It was weird how you interacted so much in the movie. I felt that this should have been a game. I guess sometimes the line between movies and games is blurry. I love that metaphor. I guess it's just harmless.

It's just great to see how many puns you can cram in. They really do fit the story so well. While I wish there was more of a climax, this was probably your best episode to date. I loved how it had a really cool story. Everyone had such a unique design. The voice work was awesome.

This animation was always kickass. I think this might be the longest one in the series. It actually does have an interesting plot twist. I thought maybe all the others were moles at first. Or rats. Or stool pigeons, or behind bars, or...whatever. Loved the pie/cake pun too.

danmarkowitz responds:

Thanks a lot! The ending leads directly into the next episode, so stay tuned!

It was so nice to have that CGI. It still holds up today! It looked like it fit in with the 2D part. I love the music too. That actually says, $6.66 for gas. Let's hope it never gets that high.

I liked how you became part of the cartoon as you launched the nuke. Then again, that wasn't something you were supposed to do. I really liked that scene where the yell just flies around. It sets up a pretty creative world. I guess this was the second of the intended last part?

This was a great cartoon. I think its strongest point was, well, how he was so strong. I was a busboy for a brief time. I can't remember it that well. You don't need to, to enjoy this. It was weird how some of them were talking animals. I guess it's not supposed to make much sense.

The final joke was the best part. I was really able to get into it because of the good animation. It all looks very slick. You deserve your award. It really is quite unpredictable. I can see why it has such a high score.

I thought this was just okay. I admit that it was a little too long. I feel like it could have just been shorter and therefore funnier. I do really like these designs, though. It's great to see characters who look like combinations between Dragonball Z and Naruto ones. It's fairly well placed.

The funniest part was probably the megaton punch. She does have a face that looks like a guy. I'm pretty sure he was saying "dick" at first underneath his scarf. You got the clichés done pretty well. You could have done more with them, though.

KKING1 responds:

lol thx

This wasn't one of Randy's best. I still like how there were two different versions. I think Razoric's one is better, though. Randy's seem a bit anti-gay. Yeah, I'm probably looking into this too much. I do in fact remember this game.

The bit with Zeus was the part that stuck out the most. I just love that raining men song. I guess that is more associated with gay guys nowadays. Collabs are always nice. Why wasn't Razoric credited in this?

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