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This was under the Stick Slayer page? How have I not reviewed this before? This wasn't that bad. It's just a trailer, so it doesn't need to be great. I love this series. I myself was upset by all these stick flashes at this time.

Too bad they had only just begun! At least there was a recent episode in 2005. Well, RIP Ben. Your series really was great. This did kick off a great series. A lot of stick flashes really were crap.

This was pretty nice. I could tell it was made by you. The best part was probably how you waited awhile for a land mine to explode. That general really was hard to take out. I loved how his head flew at the screen. It was good for its day.

It's still dated. There were just brown sticks everywhere. I guess those were meant to be imprints on the ground. The length was pretty good. That always sounds dirty.

I thought this was quite better than the first one. Why does JZ look so small? Must be some perspective trick. I really did like how there was more action. It was still too short. You needed music too!

Is the blue one wearing a black suit? He's definitely black on the upper part of his body. You become more detailed later. This still isn't great. Then again, I think it should have won an award.

It's great to see where this series started off. You're right in that the remakes are way better. This was too short. It's at least nice to see Joe Zombie in his first appearance. Why wasn't he ever in the "Stick Slayer" series? Maybe he was.

It's been a long time since I've seen that anyway. JZ sounds like JC. Well, he came back to life too. The sounds were okay. I love "Cyanide And Happiness".

What a coincidence. I just saw the latest "Mission: Impossible" movie. I missed that awesome theme music. There really needed to be more sound. It doesn't hold up that well. Come to think of it, stick flashes have in fact declined here.

This does seem authentic to the series style. Well, maybe it's more based on the show. I never watched the show. At least there was some color. It's nice to know where some people started off.

I really did like this! I'm not even a fan of this series. I at least know Kratos. The animation was just great in this. For something only a minute long, there was a lot going on. I can always appreciate that.

Oh dang it! If only you had gotten Review Crew Pick! I love the bright colors. The game's "God Of War" right? If only it had its own section here.

I admit I couldn't really understand this. The animation was pretty good. It was at least unique. I can always appreciate that. Maybe it hasn't aged well. I had no idea what this acronym.

I understand it now. This was in fact pretty flashy. Well, it is a flash cartoon! Glad to know you were better than most artists at this time. We all get better later.

MindChamber responds:

this was like.. my second flash.. still didn't know how to export sound properly.. still didn't have a tablet so these were all sketch's with the body parts drawn separately..used a vector program called streamline to get it into flash

haha good times.

Aww yes! I certainly remember this series! It's great to have it back! You think ten years is a long time? There's one user named Pandemoniac who hadn't submitted something in 11 years! A lot of people do that.

The website has mostly been forgotten. I loved "Sonic X"! Wait, this probably wasn't about the anime. This intro sure looks awesome! The drawn bits might be the best.

BlackDevilX responds:

Thanks man! I appreciate the support. It does seem like this site has gone down quite a bit, but nostalgia ya know?

I love this, if only because I could relate to it. Donating blood was actually my biggest fear. The reason I did it was because I wanted to face my fear. I'm still proud of it! You seemed to have lived a crappy life. I don't even remember ET now.

I was just afraid of losing blood. Luckily, it was painless. Kind of like yours. I was lucky enough not to get in trouble with the nurses like this. You should donate bile.

It was weird to see Mr. Rogers. I mean, you just made it seem like he was the Devil. I think that's what the title implied. Of course, you depict him wonderfully. I especially love this animation style. I saw "Won't You Be My Neighbour?" too.

I assume this was made in response to that. Why else? You can of course enjoy someone as wonderful as Mr. Rogers any time. I can see why the score is so high. You can never go wrong with him.

WooleyWorld responds:

No this was planned a month or two before I heard about the documentary. Though that did spark the urge to complete in June. That never happened though because of some life events.

I like the style too. I want to do something like it but a little tighter for NBS3.

I didn't know what else to title it that wouldn't give away Mr. Rogers but also attach it to the first one so I just gave it the generic name and people can think what they like.

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