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Those were some long author comments. I think reading it took longer than the actual trailer! This was still great. I just loved the animation. You were really getting better here. My favorite of this time was still the Robocop one.

It really does kind of look CGI. Wheelman's a pretty cool name. Always great to see stuff from 2000 that holds up. It's so stylistic. I forget if this ever became a full series.

MindChamber responds:

Thanks for the love, sadly I never gave it the time it deserved. I had maybe two story outlines in, but never moved forward.. Making flash games caught my attention at the time.

This is one of your best early cartoons. I think the best part is how this seems like it's straight out of stand up comedy. In fact, I believe it is. It really does make sense. It's been awhile since I've seen pigeons. The animation seemed better here.

I love the simple title. It really does show class. Well, unlike the characters in this cartoon. That includes pigeons in general. The colors are great.

How did this come off as artsy? Maybe because of the live-action stuff. Some people thought it was satire? Seriously, this wasn't that good. Still, it was fine for some quick chuckles. I actually need to poop myself right now.

"Serious artsy crap" is right. It's literal crap. It was nice to see more animation from you. You mostly just used live-action stuff. It came off as looking silly.

I know I've heard this song before. Maybe I heard a variant and was thinking of this. It seems different than what I remember. Dang, the first review in 13 years! I can see why. The animation is really bad.

Your Mentos video still holds up. The artist's name was White Zombie? That or a band. This just had little to enjoy. I know you've done better.

That wasn't that good. I've seen a lot of risqué stuff on this website, but that just seemed cheap. It didn't really show anything. I guess the animation's pretty good. It's not that bad for 2000. You just need more going on.

Well, it would have been disgusting. Maybe it wasn't that great to begin with? You know, the idea. I love your Mentos cartoon. It's your best work.

I do love this song. My main problem was that it didn't show the whole song! The animation doesn't hold up that well. I don't think I'd ever heard of Lenny Kravits before. I had just heard this song a lot. There's obviously a lot of times when you hear a song on the radio and don't know who sang it.

You needed more movements. It didn't flow fluidly. It's just okay. Well, it is more on the bad side. Your other stuff is better.

As far as 2000 flashes go, this was okay. This wasn't bad mostly because you set up good atmosphere. You just didn't go very well with the execution. Well, a literal execution with the rat. I wanted to see more. I still congratulate you on your Daily Feature.

It's old, but we've definitely gotten better. That includes you. I love that music. It must be from "Halloween" right? You know, the movie?

Personally, I didn't care for this. The animation was quite shoddy. Aren't these supposed to be like porn? We have Rule 34 galleries now. It's mild compared to that. I'm too much of a pervert.

Does Orko really look like that? I mean, what with before he had Urkel's face? Eh, I never cared much for this franchise. It's weird to have his name without a hyphen. Your better stuff comes later.

The best part was the end. I just love how goofy that is. Gee, I wonder if this will win Daily Feature? You've been making a lot of these lately. It seems like they deserve their own collection. The artwork is great. "This cartoon"?

It has live-action stuff so it isn't fully a cartoon. It's still really good. I would like to see Tarboy again. I like how it references itself. A bit too short, but still very nice.

Yeah, this wasn't anything too great. It was pretty cheap looking. I don't remember the GAP commercial at all. Well, this was nearly two decades ago. I'm more of a cat person. I thought you were serious at first.

Aww, this isn't in the Assassin collection anymore. Or was it ever? The scream was pretty funny. I guess it's good these commercials are forgotten. They seem pretty bad.

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