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"High Noon"'s a classic movie, but it isn't referenced that much. I'm glad you did a tribute to it. Then again, I don't remember much about it myself. The best part is the animation. It really does look good for 2000. There's few things about Westerns here.

I don't remember if this is like the movie. I remember being shown it in school. It was made to study real time. It's fine for what it is. Why am I listed as not following my favorite artists anymore?

This is one of my favorite submissions from you! It's mostly because it actually had video footage in it! That's a huge first for you. I do get tired of these bland drawings all the time. Once again, I'm glad I didn't have to deal with this. Wait, I did have a bug problem.

Luckily, we bought traps for it. So glad to see what these things really looked like. Your voice is as funny as ever. This is the best cartoon I've seen all month! I can always count on you for funny stuff. It helps that they're real.

Hey, that was awesome! It's weird to submit something Halloween related in July. I really did love the animation. I knew those girls looked familiar. Yes, I have seen "Scooby-Doo And The Ghoul School". I figured that out.

This really was a charming cartoon. These characters are quite fun to watch. The colors are really nice. Hanna Barbara really is awesome. For something about vampires, it was quite cute.

Dark Bird? Your name is aStainSlipknot. Well, at least your user name is. I'm glad you mentioned that it wasn't supposed to make sense. It certainly didn't make any to me. The animation wasn't bad.

Oh, THIS is the submission I was thinking of. I discussed this in my review of your "gasON". The sounds are fine. It's just not very entertaining. It's something, I guess.

Dang, this must be the highest rated submission from the year 2000. I can certainly see why! There weren't that many great cartoons here back than. The music is beautiful. It's hard to find something with this generic a title. It does work here.

Yeah, we can all go through change. I do need to pay rent though. How is this not in some collection? It's probably the highest rated thing of 2000! Glad to know we had great stuff back then too.

Narcissus responds:

Thank you for your kind words. That was quite a hard time for me back then. I'm hoping to get back into amateur animation some day. Fourteen years since my last submission is way too long. :/

The animation wasn't that good, but it was still very funny. The best part is probably how it holds up much better than other 2000 cartoons. I'm glad it didn't get too graphic. You really do put this together well. Yeah, I remember everyone saying Shaggy and/or Scooby were stoned. The creators said this was in no way their intention.

Of course, him being high would explain why Scooby could talk. I mean, the supernatural was always fake yet they had a talking dog. He wasn't really a talking dog, it was just Shaggy being high! We've had far more graphic stuff nowadays. This seemed to be ahead of its time.

I admit there wasn't much setup. Randy Solem wasn't the best drawer. Drawer? I'm not referring to cabinets. Anyway, you just click on the bottle in the middle to replay it. I do love that music.

That urine was weird. I couldn't tell which direction it was going into! Well, I'm sure it was coming from his penis. Randy's sprite work was much better. At least he tried.

Yeah, I remember the 2000 election. There's really no need to still be sad over this. Especially consider we had another election like this in 2016! Dang, I hate living under a bad President. A pity Sam T ended his political cartoons again too. Yep, Bush sucked.

Gop sounds like a funny word. Okay, it was just a slideshow, but it was still funny! Everyone's political here every now and then. Anti-religious too. Well, I guess anti-religion isn't a religious belief.

I now realize I haven't seen a used condom in many things before. RIP Randy-Solem. Damn, why'd you have to be so prolific? He did stuff that wasn't sprite work as early as 2000. The artwork doesn't hold up. The noises they make are funny.

It still wasn't that great. It was mostly just one gag. Still hard for me to dislike something like this. This didn't even have anything to do with video games. I love it when people experiment.

Wait, you're anti-Pokémon? Pokémon has in fact created more revenue than "Star Wars". Everybody has gone insane over the prequels and how George Lucas is the Anti-Christ. By that same definition, YOU are the Anti-Christ! Anyway, this was pretty dumb. Did you bleep out the word gay?

That seems homophobic. Well, this was before gay rights was mainstream. This just seemed too short and stupid. We love Pokémon now! I remember back when the section was just anti-Pokémon.

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