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Wow, this was really cute! It didn't have any lyrics, but was still awesome. Maybe it was a little short, but still amazing. I loved the backgrounds too. There's just so much going on. And of course, cats make everything better.

I guess those are the names of the characters. I live in Florida, so I wouldn't experience that much. For your first full length song, it's pretty amazing. This was great for a Newgrounds submission. It's quite creative.

Damn, this was cute! I mean, it was one of the most adorable cartoons you ever made. You seem to get all of the components of the game down just right. By that, I mean "Minecraft". I've never even played it. I just know everyone else is obsessed with it.

I just loved all adorable you made everyone! There was even a cute little thing before the commercial at the end. I'm still not going to Patreon. Other parodies would be more cynical. Heck, even you're more cynical!

Sigh. I never thought that I would give a perfect score to one of your cartoons. I mean, they're known for being ridiculously obscene. This one wasn't like that or all. They didn't even strip down to lingerie! Well, it would be too cold.

I just love the animation. It's the best you've ever done. I don't even believe you were the one who animated it! It was a truly joyous cartoon as well. I want you to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as well! I had a great one or two as well!

Damn, this was good! It was hard to tell what the theme was at first. I thought it was just them losing constantly. I'm glad they went on to win. Well, one of them at least. There were just so many random things going on here.

It was really hard to even describe. It did have an ongoing story. Maybe my favorite bit was the bubblegum part? You don't have to have played the game to enjoy this! The animation's quite authentic to the already amazing graphics! I wasn't expecting it to be this good.

I believe this is something Courage would do. We have all gone through troubles in our life. It was nice to have one of my favorite characters say that. Was this an audio clip? I think this is a record for shortest thing to get Daily Feature. It's so short with something with two people credited.

I knew he would say something like that. That's what the title says! It seemed more like an art submission. I can review those too! He's such a great character.

I was expecting this to be longer. Well, you did take an iconic scene. The ice cream bar bit's still my favorite. I'm surprised there were no credits. Then again, you already listed everyone here. We do that all the time now.

I think 1:58 might have been my favorite. It was the most creative. Rewatching bits, I can appreciate how unique it is. I always want to learn about new innovative animators here. While short, still great.

I have to admit I thought this was underwhelming. I mean, what did it really have to do with anything? I was expecting a song with lyrics. Well, it was unpredictable at least. My favorite part was the different animation styles. I just didn't like the live-action parts.

The thing at the end could have had more for it too. Well, everyone else loves it! I just expected more with so many people credited. Happy Daily Feature for the New Year! I guess we're back to everything having a 4.20 again.

Of course, I've never heard these terms. I'm bad at learning new languages anyway. I have to know how child friendly some terms are. None of them seem like the equivalent of something like "bottom". Damn, Zone-tan is vomiting a ton! Even you are support the ChangeTheChannel movement.

You always have great animation. Happy New Year 2022! Oh, it just got discontinued today! Well, we'll always find a way to get stuff that appeals to our fetishes. I guess I'm glad it's been awhile since you've made a clear hentai cartoon.

That was quite short, but boy did it get its message across! I'm surprised there's no New Year's Eve related stuff today. I'm glad I'm not a furry. Except for Rouge. Maybe Krystal too. The animation is great here too.

Happy New Year! You're still kind of cute for an animal thing. I just don't understand their costumes. I knew you'd say something bad. I'm glad it wasn't too vulgar.

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