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Wow, this is unlike anything you've ever worked on before! I just kept thinking that since it was so old, it would be old shame by now. It's anything but! It really is a great cartoon. I'm just surprised at how intellectual this seems. Well, it probably wasn't meant to be like that.

You showed great creativity in this. It would have been even better in color. I had no idea what this had to do with tacos at first. Come to think of it, I really still don't! You have such great creativity.

Dude, it's freaking amazing to see something so old from you. Yeah, this is one of your lesser cartoons. Honestly, it's still good! I really appreciate how you made those silly things for him to say. At first, I thought they were true. Well, it was really only the second one.

The style certainly looks old. I bet in modern times, you COULD make this guy a lot better. You just have so much better animation later on. He does dance in a pretty funny manner. It's good to know you got much better.

It's certainly great to see an early work of yours. I guess the animation doesn't look that different than your recent stuff. It's still the same kind of style. I see your voice hasn't changed much in all these years either. I love how original it is. This guy is no Mister Ed.

I really had no idea what was coming up next. I'm glad it was so unpredictable. I guess someone with something honorary does count as a liar! Thanks for teaching me about politics! A pity this was just one cartoon.

Yeah, this does seem like something Jazza has worked on! I guess there was nothing too bad or good about this. It was just weird to see this simple cartoon. Why was it even made on the mp4 format? Is that simply the default nowadays? At least he looks cute.

Happy Pico Day 2015! The music was quite good. You do need to make more than just something so simple. At least it wasn't insulting or anything. It's not quite the thing suitable for this site. I can see why the score is so low.

Yeah, it does look like someone else made this. I guess it's just a common style here. This is the best flash of Pico Day 2015! Again, you did make it early. It's still awesome and deserves its high score. I thought it would end right away.

I mean, it ended right there with the ice cream attacking the kid. I am glad it went the extra mile. I had no idea that's what the Castle Crashers would do. I also love how the ice cream seems innocent in two different ways. Happy Pico Day 2015, my friend!

The animation was awesome! Of course, it's great satire. I don't watch "Game Of Thrones" but am at least somewhat familiar with it. Yes, I recall those "South Park" weiner jokes. This looked like it was animated by Happyharry. The voice is great too.

It was pretty short, but delivered its message so well. That is what would happen. There probably ARE toys of it somewhere. They made a freaking Freddy Kreuger toy! Best part was probably the abortion joke...wow, I'm morbid.

I really did love this cartoon! I love it mostly because it makes you appreciate the world around us. There are so many great things to look at. It helped that the animation was great too. There was just always something new in this. It's a pity I didn't watch this on Earth Day.

Well, happy Earth Day, I guess! This really is the only world where we can live. Well, the only world that we can travel to, I guess. I appreciate how colorful it is. I'm in a good mood tonight, as I just got my master's degree in communication!

It was great to see another entry in the series. I thought this might have something to do with marijuana. I still appreciate the great animation. It's the text randomly appearing that really makes this good. You just don't know what gag will come up next. I think the characters are pretty interesting.

It really is a pretty good commentary on politics. I guess this was a reference to the presidential election. Of course, we prepare for that early anyway. The voice is so good. I guess the right candidate won.

danmarkowitz responds:

Thanks! It was actually a happy accident -- this plot was planned for a while, and the release just happened to coincide with the presidential campaign getting going. Lucky timing!

It's great to see your stuff back! It seems like it's been awhile since you've submitted something. I don't think I've ever personally gone through something like this. Well, I probably have eaten at a fancy restaurant or two. Yeah, definitely. I like how you tell such a story with little detail.

It was kind of like "South Park". Loved the Home Alone 2 bit at the end. At least the whole family had the steak. I also loved the monopoly man (men?) appearing. It's just another great cartoon.

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