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Okay, THIS was the best in the series. It's mostly because there was actually some color in it! You also showed Squigo in another location. Well, I don't really know where he was before. Some random room, I guess? It was so unexpected.

As something more detailed, I can understand why it took more time. I also love how he appears at the "Again" thing at the end. This just has a lot of spunk to it. I like spunk, BTW. The sounds were quite good, too.

The best part was probably at the end with the nuts. I thought you really would show what I thought you would. Then again, this doesn't have an "A" rating. Or were they even around back then? I thought the animation moved very fluidly. The squirrel had a lot of personality.

I was confused when the 5 appeared. I guess most lists are like that anyway. I loved the signs. I guess it was marijuana. It just looked like tobacco at first.

This wasn't bad. I think the main problem is that you don't seem to have a good vocal range. You might be too close to the microphone. I do think the animation is good. I think it works well for the tone. A lot of it just wasn't funny.

The funniest thing is the title. Yeah, and now it's 2015. Wow, long time since this was reviewed. I knew he'd be eaten by a shark at the end. Not great, but just fine.

This is probably the best in the series if only because it's so unpredictable. I really had no idea what would happen next. I appreciate how it seemed so obvious at first. I knew it couldn't be just that. I then thought he would at least be hit with that lamp. You made it even better!

While short, it got its message across. The single joke was good. You still could have put these things in a compilation. The movements were really good. It's just a good short cartoon.

Wow, this was freaking epic! Thank you for giving us one of the most popular series ever created! I mean it! Not a single entry in this series hadn't won an award of some kind. I'm so glad to watch it right when it came out. I really had no idea what would happen.

The funniest part was probably with Spider-Man. It was great to see all these characters with their unique designs together. It's great that you injected some realism into this. The voices and animation are as good as ever. I really do feel like everything has amounted to this awesome finale. I love the stinger too.

I appreciate how it was better than the first one. It wasn't great, but it did lead up to a good joke. I felt like you could have put numerous deaths in one thing. You could make it a game. Happy Tree Friends did stuff like that. The animation was fairly good.

I really had no idea what would happen next. He's a moron for not throwing it down when he saw the dog peeing. Well, he doesn't look smart either. While not that unique, still good. The sounds were nice and cartoonish.

You have such a beautiful way of drawing! I can't wait for Zelda to show up. I mean, she'll probably be drop dead gorgeous! Anyway, this was a great cartoon. While it didn't have that much point, it didn't need it. It's simply a great cartoon in its own right.

The voicework is also fantastic. The best part is probably the punch Saria gives. You really don't know what will happen next. I thought at first that Link would just fail! I'd love to see more episodes.

This was very funny. I guess I was supposed to watch the other ones in the series as it didn't make much sense to me. Of course, I shouldn't really be expecting it to. The voice work was great. I especially love the blue cat. Those cats are so long it would be hard to find its butt.

Seriously, have you seen how long some of those cat pictures are? Anyway, the voice work was just flawless. You really had no idea what would happen next. Well, I imagined it would be something unpleasant, at least for the elephant. The artwork's great.

Wow, this was one of the first movies of 2002! I had no idea this was from "The Simpsons". I guess I just wasn't that familiar with the show at the time. The sprite work is done wonderfully here. The best part is how well they move. I should have realized this was from "The Simpsons" because of the credits.

I guess I just wasn't paying attention. This song is just so catchy. The best part is of course the end. That really is how a musical of "Planet Of The Apes" would turn out. I should have also realized this was from "The Simpsons" because of Homer's voice.

Wow, that was really disturbing. Then again, the stuff with the hentai parodies was even worse. This wasn't really THAT graphic. It was still really disturbing. It's amazing how dark this is. There's just no way any good can come of this situation.

While it's too bad when evil wins, this was still pretty interesting. The animation is what really makes it. You have quite a unique style here. I wasn't expecting the deaths to be like that. They were pretty creative.

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