View Profile Ericho

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While quite funny, I didn't know what this was about. Are these scenes from other ones you've made? I know you haven't done Steven Universe yet. Yeah, something made by you that's actually work safe! Well, not really. Yes, I believe those are real quotes.

The animation is spectacular as always. You make it look just like the actual cartoons. This one just didn't show any private parts. I guess it'll be one of your least viewed cartoons. I shipped Beast Boy and Raven too!

This was quite flashy. I am glad that it wasn't too long. I admit to being confused by the exploding part. Whatever, it was fun to look at. I really do need to see "Sonic Boom" some time. The music was really good.

It seriously would be cool if Knuckles was in Super Smash Bros. Then again, Tails would be more appropriate. He's had more appearances at least. Oh, and Dr. Robotnik. Your artwork is as impressive as ever.

This is freaking awesome! I feel so bad for not following these cartoons. I would think at least some of these would have gotten front page. They're freaking amazing! Are you the same guy as Catoblepas? Did you change your name? The music is absolutely fantastic.

I'm so glad to have seen this when it was under judgement. I rarely find good stuff there. I'm certainly happy to pass this. You have some great different styles with this. This was just fun.

W-P-S responds:

what are you on about?
my work has gotten frontpage plenty of times, and ive been on newgrounds for years

I didn't think this was your best, but it was still awesome! I can always count on you to make great stuff. I'm surprised at how much of a story this has. It was nice to throw in some action. It did look a bit out of place, though. The animation is as fantastic as ever.

I'm not interested in donating money. I have to save it. I like how you introduced shapeshifting. It's interesting to see them interact with humans. It's simply great as always.

The end with the whipping is probably what gave this such a high score. I knew it wouldn't be more than an intro. I love the animation as always. It's great to see these dumb looking characters prance around. They deserve to be whipped! I appreciate how good of a singer you are.

He doesn't even look like a goat. He's more like a satyr. That must have been the intention. I knew it would build up to something great! I can always count on your for new stuff.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

cheers ericho, yeh he's a satyr.

I was just amazed by the high score on this. It would be criminal for me not to give it the full score. I just love the animation in this. I wasn't expecting another Dr. Bees cartoon. Well, the first one was really popular. It's just hard to keep up with all the stuff you make.

The voice acting was fantastic. You just know something awesome is going to happen next. You're good with superhero parodies. This kind of reminded me of Saturday Morning Watchmen. I've never been hurt by bees. Maybe this should offend me more, then.

Wow, was this weird. I think it would have worked better as an April Fool's Day joke. Then again, it apparently wasn't made for that purpose. I appreciate how it's at least different. It's probably the worst thing you ever worked on. And wouldn't you know it?

You still won an award! I guess you're just that good of an artist. I believe this is using other characters you've created. It's seriously hard to tell. Just keep on working on, uh, good stuff.

I was so glad to see this again! It's been so long since I saw the pilot. I'm quite sure there was a pilot to this. The voice acting was as good as ever. The best part, by far, was the Gravity Falls joke. I'm pretty much driven insane by that stuff too.

The jokes really hit bullseyes in this. I am starting to recognize the uniqueness of every character. I'm still not much for the names, though. I certainly hope this gets more reviews! The name's pretty cool too.

I'm not interested in learning Japanese, but this is a great video! It's mostly because you have such a king demeanor to it. I have not seen the other ones. It's great that we have educational stuff like this. It's even better that it's so high rated. I am glad to have come by it.

You have such a fantastic voice. I admit I didn't really get most of the stuff you were saying. It's still wonderful. The animation is quite nice. It could be a bit longer, though.

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