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That wasn't bad. It was good to see something that was just action. I guess the length was pretty good. I was confused as to why they didn't use their powerups. Does this take place before they kill Mega Man? The sprites were pretty nicely done.

The music was quite nice. They didn't get as damaged as I thought. Well, they still got hit a lot. I think Cut Man and Heat Man have the same head design. Laziness was abundant back then.

DragoonFenix15 responds:

I've realized that Robot Masters in general only ever have one of about 5 different head designs. It IS really repetitive...

I thought this was better than the first one. It just had more of a story. I am confused by it. How could the war have happened in the first place if Mega Man was already dead? And why didn't those guys travel back BEFORE Mega Man was killed? Well, it's nice to look at, at least.

The ostrich reminds me of Gex. There seemed to be a lot of spelling errors. It's nice to make it so that you can't advance the dialogue. Then again, it would go faster if it wasn't like that. This was quite nice.

The best part is probably the comment at the end. I knew they wouldn't die there. I mean, the previous episode was building up to them going to Las Vegas! I expected more bystanders. The voice acting still needs work. Then again, maybe it was supposed to be mildly annoying.

It's fine for a stick cartoon. They just got more detailed as time went on. You have a typo error when you spelled it "tyop"! Anyway, it's a pretty fun cartoon. It actually has a pretty interesting story.

Not that good, but it was good. I haven't seen "Total Recall" before. I have seen a review of it, but don't remember that much. I'm glad that you included the most iconic scenes here. Well, it didn't show Arnold dying in space or whatever. The animation was quite good.

It was just so macabre. I appreciate how much detail is put into it. You certainly have a unique drawing style. The voices are pretty funny too. It's just done in a nice manner.

LousyPandah responds:

Cheers dude,

this was my second attempt at doing an animation. It's weird though because I feel like my animation was a lot better back then :)

I don't think this holds up very well. Its main flaw was that it was too long. I was expecting the first episode to be much shorter. The animation is pretty much hit and miss. It works some of the time. Other times, it doesn't add up well with the dark outlines. It really stuck out.

I have seen other 2001 animation and it can be much better. The voicework could have been better too. It seemed like people were too close to the mike. At least this won Daily Feature. It's a pretty original concept, I guess.

I didn't care much for this. It was weird how you divided an intro into different parts. That just seems short enough for a single submission. It doesn't even seem like an intro. It was at least nice to see all those Doom guys. Granted, I'm not familiar with the series that much.

The music seemed pretty good. The animation just isn't that good. It looks quite dated. I'm glad this was released as a full intro. It just didn't engage me.

I really do love this cartoon! In the beginning it reminded me of Fionna from "Adventure Time!". As it went on, it became awesome in its own right! I really do love how fluidly everything moves. I feel bad for not recognizing you as the creator of "Slush Invaders Duel". That's one of my favorite flashes ever!

You made something truly wonderful and unique here! It's great that it's so joyous. Everything is so wonderfully light-hearted. To think, I just reviewed "Rosethorne". Everything moves so wonderfully vibrant. I love it all!

gildedguy responds:

Thanks! This movie is a bit different from my stick figure stuff, so don't feel bad. Glad you enjoyed the tone and animation.

I thought the audio was just fine. It's amazing how dark this is. Then again, it's ONLY BEGINNING! The art is just beautiful. You put so much realism into this. I really was legitimately scared from this cartoon.

The music wonderfully fit the mood. Not even Jhonen Vasquez could make something like this. I really do feel for what's going on. Granted, that might not be a good thing. Great and chilling cartoon!

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