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I just have to love this. I admit it could have been a tad funnier, but it's still great. It's mostly because you have such fantastic animation. Tails is probably the best of all. I really appreciate all the little things you put into this. You all did a great job with the voice acting.

I didn't understand that big breasted chick. Was that supposed to be Rouge? The robot enemy dying was probably the best bit of all. Sonic will never get old. You are quite talented, RicePirate.

This is very entertaining to watch. I think the best part is how different the voices are. Crippleboy sounds exactly like Alan the balloon from "The Amazing World Of Gumball". I guess it's just a stock sped up voice. I actually did feel pretty sorry for Turtle. They're known for living long, so this is quite tragic indeed.

The animation is really nice. I'm glad to get a heads up on what's going on with the story. There are too many cartoons of yours to remember. You are so devoted to your work. It's great.

I really appreciated the animation in this. It seems like you perfectly captured something so ordinary. Well, I guess it's not really a situation most of us find ourselves in. I can easily recognize your animation. I'm not going to give you any money, though. I guess there was never a rancid doughnut to begin with.

You do spell it "doughnut". I knew I'd see something great from you. I do like bagels myself. The cream cheese really fits. I don't see as many doughnuts in the hotels I look at.

funymony responds:

Doughnut Donut
Tomato tomato.
Potato potato.

No money? That's okay.

Yeah, the fancy pants hotels have pancake machines. No donuts. ):
The hotel I worked at was a step up from a motel.

I admit that I was disappointed on how this was layed out. I mean, it wasn't one of those infinite loops. That's what you're most well known for. I will, however, admit it's a really funny cartoon. I think my favorite part was the bit with the bombing. At 0:32, it looked quite phallic.

The animation is great. You've just worked with so many other people, it's hard to remember what your original style was. I also love the Advice Dog reference. I really like your voice. I have no doubt this will win some award.

This wasn't bad, but I didn't care that much for it either. I appreciated how unique it was. I'm not even quite sure of who you even are. This profile of yours has had different cartoons on it for awhile. Anyway, the live-action segment was the best. I normally don't encourage those here, but I felt it quite appropriate.

The best was probably the furry joke. I guess the girls were weeaboos. You just never used the term, or is it not that popular? The part at the end was nice too. A pity this had nothing to do with Valentine's Day.

paultervoorde responds:

Very fair review, thanks!

Dude, I was NOT expecting that. This really is a very deranged cartoon when you truly get down to it. The fact that Santa is so happy makes it all the more effective. It really is great how you created this freaking dark cartoon. I love the animation. I thought there was something wrong with the sound at first.

I know realize that was part of the cartoon. That made it even more effective! The voicework is fantastic. It's great that you got so many people for something so short. Again, it all pays off in the end. I don't know how I missed this before!

I thought this was amazing! Apart from being a great song, the animation was fantastic! It really was one of those things that just kept getting better and better as it went on. You really have to watch the whole thing. The song was really spiritual to me. Well, maybe it was more philosophical.

It really had you think about the world around us. You touched on themes of religion, money, sex, and so many others! It's great how you did that in such a short time. The fact that so many people worked on it makes it even better. I'm glad to be introduced to you, tristious! Of course, you all did great with this.

I thought this cartoon was just okay. I guess I was just expected more bodily fluids with this. Then again, you show an egg with poo on it at the end. Well, it's not really poo, but you know what I mean. I still didn't think it was bad. It was quite nice to see you do something light-hearted.

I guess the Easter Bunny doesn't really have a defined appearance unlike Santa Claus. Is that this week?! Nah, my church would have told me so. The egg designs were quite well done. It just isn't anything interesting.

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