View Profile Ericho

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A bit too short, but still great. I especially like how he gets frustrated with her at the end. That's what I would do in that situation. It's also great how they finally hook up! Yeah, it's a pretty sweet story. The cartoonish gags were great.

I appreciate how unpredictable it is. The fact that they don't take gives them a lot of personality. Those little perks are great. I hope you always put your new stuff here. I get the color joke now.

I think this was the best entry yet! The best part about it is how you make all these color jokes. You really have come up with a lot of great stuff with this. It was nice to see how many color puns you could make. The voicework is so good. I just love the jokes about newspaper comics.

They just aren't good anymore. They deserve to be made fun of. I really had no idea where this was going. I'll be sure to tune in to all of your episodes now. They're just too fun to miss on. Congratulations to you for your awards!

danmarkowitz responds:

Thanks a lot!

I think we probably will enjoy it. I mean, it has Daily Feature! I thought the animation and voice work were great. I really had no idea what would happen next. I knew something called "Clown Robbery" would be funny. I think the joke was that the people laughed at the stuff that wasn't supposed to be funny.

That's actually a pretty clever reversal. I don't recognize JohnnyUtah's voice. I also don't recognize TheShadling's backgrounds. You'd think I would, I've reviewed a lot of his art. Great for a quick laugh.

Dude, this was freaking unbelievable! Half the time, I had no clue what was even going on! I didn't even care, it was so beautiful to look at. There was tons of crazy stuff going on and on, but it really did amount to something great! I'm not that familiar with the Judge Dredd mythos. I saw the movie, though.

It didn't tell much about the character. I have no idea if this is based on anything in the comics. I'm at least aware of the popularity of the character. Everything was just so beautiful to look at! It just kept getting better and better as it went on. Welcome to this website, you great creator, you!

I really did like that brownie bit at the end. I never thought of it like that before. The animation was really good. It was really weird, even by your standards. I wish I had some idea what was going on. I don't think I was really supposed to.

I like all the unique designs. I couldn't answer that riddle either. It was certainly unpredictable. It made no sense, but was creative. I can always appreciate that.

I was pretty shocked by the "To Be Concluded" part at the end. I had no idea this was ending! It's just such a long running series. Anyway, this was a great episode. It's especially great to see some action. The best part was the giant octopi fight.

I do wish those other guys took part in the fight. The funniest part was the grandma joke. The animation and voice work is of course fantastic. I knew you'd win something like Daily Feature. See you one last time!

Wow, I was really caught off guard by this. It was great, just very weird, even by your standards. It really seems like something that was based on a dream. At first, I thought that guy was Beethoven. After awhile, I figured out he was Andrew Jackson. The animation's as good as ever.

It deserves its high score. Surrealism is often great. I could figure out the infinite Jacksons and Bruces next to each other. Eagle Eyes was quite literal. Great as always.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

cheers ericho.

This is so freaking hilarious! I guess there are still those who don't have caller ID. Wait, I don't. Anyway, the prank itself is great. What makes it even better is how awesome the animation is. It really makes me appreciate how good of an artist you are, Sam T.

Oh, I get the ebola reference now. I thought that guy was a Simpsons character at first. No Asians have complained about them at first. The voices are just completely perfect. I guess it's not for the racially sensitive.

I was quite impressed by this! I admit that I thought this would be longer. With the scene selection, I thought it would be around five minutes. It still certainly worked for what it was. I really like the wings. I guess I'm just a guy who's into angels.

I can recognize the Dragonball Z music. Well, apparently it's something here. Either way, it's great. I'm sad to say I don't recognize these stick characters. Then again, they don't have many distinct features.

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