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I was quite impressed by this! I admit that I thought this would be longer. With the scene selection, I thought it would be around five minutes. It still certainly worked for what it was. I really like the wings. I guess I'm just a guy who's into angels.

I can recognize the Dragonball Z music. Well, apparently it's something here. Either way, it's great. I'm sad to say I don't recognize these stick characters. Then again, they don't have many distinct features.

I'm amazed that I have not seen this before! I honestly had no clue whatsoever what was going to happen next. It could have been a bit funnier, but it's still awesome. It actually did all make sense at the ending...I think. I can see why you wanted me to review your other works. This is the best thing you've ever worked on.

I think there was actually a cartoon that was like this. It was a literal playout of the dog catcher, dog, cat, etc. It was Looney Tunes or something. The animation was pretty good too. A pity you were so close to winning all three main awards!

I loved this! It had some of the greatest animation I've ever really come across! There was not a single time where a drawing was repeated. I can see why people loved this so much. I feel so bad for not seeing it the first time around. I'm glad to find out about you on this website!

I hope you have more awesome cartoons to make. It's hilarious how being disemboweled is fixed with just a band aid. The voices are fantastic too. I thought the parasite was just his crack hallucination. Maybe it really was? I thought he was a zombie at first.

I did not care for this. I am glad it won some kind of award. It was just a boy punching out fate. I admit the animation was pretty good. It looks like you've officially retired from sprites. Most people have.

I guess drawing is the new CGI here, in that everyone does it now. This should have been longer. Is that supposed to be you in this? It appears on your avatar. You just need to make bigger stuff.

I really had no idea what would happen next. I knew it wouldn't end up well. You still didn't go for the easy show gore thing. You did manage to subvert the innocence, though. I do appreciate all the drawings put into this. A pity only two guys showed up.

I have gone through this before. Sharing my games, not the dirty hand thing. I was afraid parts of his hand were bit off or something. I don't know what these things even are. Good voice work, too.

That was weird, even by the standards of the cartoons YOU make. I guess it was supposed to be a parody of the recent SpongeBob movie. I haven't seen that yet, so I don't really know. It helps you have the same great animation. So Squidward was made into a patty and now he's back...? I have no clue what's going on and I don't care.

It was certainly unpredictable. I have no idea why anything is happening. The facial expressions were done wonderfully. I guess it could have had a little more of a comprehensive story. It's still great.

This is freaking amazing! I can't believe there were only two people credited on the side for this! It would have been so cool to see all of them listed here. I'm amazed to not even recognize any of these people! Well, I can recognize a style or two, just not the name. This was fantastic how you used people who weren't that well known!

I can see why this was featured at the top of the main page! Tons of styles are always cool to look at. I have never loved sheep more. The sounds and music are absolutely flawless. It really is unlike any collab I have seen before. I am so glad to be introduced to these wonderful artists!

Great trailer! At first, I was thinking it might be something you were working on yourself. I just loved the animation. You showed such strong emotions with their faces. I have of course heard a lot about this game. It seems to be quite authentic to the original game.

A pity I have never played it. I know the most about it from that Ben Drowned Creepypasta. The colors are so good. I'm glad this won some award. I'm familiar with Link, as you could tell by my avatar.

I can see why this won Daily Feature! I was quite impressed by how you always make new and interesting cartoons. I guess the black guys really do die first on that show. Well, the black women doesn't. It's just funny to make jokes about that. I know it sounds kind of cheap, but come on, it's funny!

The best gag is probably at the end. Those stupid police. You really don't see it coming. As a fan of "The Walking Dead" it's hard to not enjoy this. It's a great show!

WOW! Dude, this is seriously one of the most insane and amazing things I have ever seen in my life! I don't know if I've seen a cartoon with a score of 4.77 before. It totally deserves it! This is just a cartoon that has some of the best animation ever spawned! It's one of the most cartoonish things I have ever seen.

I thought the woman looked like Dr. Girlfriend. I was surprised when I heard some voices. It must have taken forever to animate this beautiful piece of work. It works great with how long it is, too. It's unpredictable and even better than Spy and Pyro. You even see the spy without his mask!

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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Joined on 9/21/08

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