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I liked this cartoon. I will admit it was a bit too short. Well, it was at least shorter than the Pencilmation series. It is a pretty clever layout. The artwork is as good as ever. I could kind of expect what would happen next.

It seems like a pretty obvious joke at that point. It's still quite nice, just not one of your best pieces. The sounds are really nice too. You have a lot of activity here. This is really a long running series.

Great entry in the series! I don't think I have seen many of the others. The voiceover was great. I loved all the little jokes. I don't know if that lack of a code thing would work. Well, this doesn't have to make sense. The funniest bit might have been how the hat wasn't working.

The "A Loan" joke was great too. You have good animation as well. Nwar's a pretty cool name. This actually does have a coherent story. It deserves its popularity.

danmarkowitz responds:

Thanks! And definitely check out the previous 8 episodes -- I think you'll like them!

I admit that I didn't like this that much. It was mostly because almost half of it was credits. Was the stinger supposed to be funny? It still isn't bad at all. What helps is that it's wonderfully animated. The voicework was great too.

I really didn't know what would happen next. I would like to see more of this. It looks like it's part of a series. The colors were nice and vibrant. It's not great IMHO, but good.

This is one of the greatest Internet cartoons ever created! What makes it so wonderful is how it's done in such high spirits! This seems like something out of a pokemon flash. I guess the animals just remind me of them. The voices are absolutely fantastic in this! They couldn't have been better.

I am certainly myself eager to know what happens next. You have created a wonderful environment for these characters. The animation is absolutely flawless. I can't help but love everything about this! I hope you make more! It's simply fantastic.

I feel so bad for not giving this the full five stars. I just...didn't like it enough to do that. I still love this cartoon. What's great is that it has lots of creativity to it. I love the flashback with the guy getting hurled through space. The animation and voices were as fantastic as ever.

What's great is how this wrapped up an ongoing story. It's at this part where you realize that everything is built up to this. It's great to see something with such a goofy look go into that territory. I really liked the black tentacles. Hmm, hentai.

I guess this was supposed to be a parody of this meme. I didn't really find it clever. I have been seeing that "thug life" thing everywhere. It's getting a bit annoying. It is nice to see J. Jonah Jameson get made fun of. It's pretty forgettable.

I know you've made Spider-Man cartoons before. I guess I'm not the biggest fan of them. This wasn't terrible, just nothing new. The artwork is still pretty good. So are the sound effects.

When I first came across this. I was thinking it would be bad. I mean, it only has 900 views! I have seen a lot of bad stuff show up in the Top 50. I was amazingly surprised to see something as fantastic as this! This really does deserve the high rating!

I hope this is made into a game on this website. Well, okay, that probably won't happen. It's one of the best Minecraft videos I've ever seen! It truly is beautiful with how it exists as a continuous loop. You have inspired me with how anything can be great. I love it!

I freaking loved this! Didn't you make another birthday cartoon? Anyway, this was wonderful because of how colorful it is. I assume she really does this stuff in real life. God bless her! It's unbelievable how you made injuries look so good!

Even Andrea is a cute name. Everything is so wonderfully vibrant in this. I'm glad you're encouraging such great behavior! Everyone really should be like her. The music is just fantastic and the animation is flawless. I loved it!

MarcyVF responds:

Thanks Ericho! Yeah, helping the weak deserves at least one silly animation and song of praise :P

I am so glad this is finally on the website! I am really starting to recognize your voice here. It was lots of fun to just see these guys move around. I will admit that there wasn't that much going on. It does have really good sprite effects. It seems like you're one of the few people around who still uses sprites.

I appreciate that. It's great you got so many unique voice actors in this. The people who worked on the animation, art, and music were great too. I really am starting to learn more about the Zelda mythos. I mean, it fits my avatar!

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