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I admit to knowing nothing about the Soup Squad. That being said, this is probably the best thing you guys ever worked on. I had to check the date of Osama bin Laden's death. I knew it was sometime in May 2011. I love stuff that's topical. The animation wasn't bad.

Yeah, bin Laden deserves to be mocked. I'm glad you guys don't have the speaker phone voice. You're still not that great. At least this was something good. This should be in the War On Terror page.

A C is a 40 right? I'm sure it's some Roman Numeral. I actually really did like this cartoon. It helps that the animation is so good. You usually have much cruder work. I'm glad you improved.

I still don't remember the characters very well. There's too many series here, okay! This was fine for some quick laughs. I like how you draw Sonic characters. Well, there's too many copycats out there.

I thought this was pretty good. That hmmming gets annoying at the end. I appreciate the animation. The best part was the opening bit. I wish the whole cartoon was like that! This was still funny.

Titty Sprinkles? I think I've heard that name before. Must be a standard ho name. This was a fairly good series. It just wasn't one of my favorites.

It's kind of ironic you'd say this. Most people have forgotten Madness Day anyway. I should have known this was from the Kitty Krew. Do you guys have your own section here? I hope not. I don't think much of you guys either.

At least there were some bright colors. It was too short. It just had nothing going on. I guess you succeeded in trolling. I'd like to know how seven people worked on this.

It's nice to see one of my favorite cartoonists take a crack at something so popular. I will admit this was too short. I wanted to see more. I do like the setup. It seems like you were setting up some satire about violence in the media. Of course it isn't a bad influence.

Is there a single person on the Internet who believes that? We just all love pop culture so much. I just wanted to see more action. This was pretty enjoyable. Happy Madness 2010!

Wow! This has a score of 4.41 and yet it didn't win a single award! Well, people do just vote high on everything on Clock Day. It's still mostly forgotten now. I love Scott Pilgrim. It's one of my favorite comedies.

I read the whole book series too! I guess the animation could be better here. I do like the punchline. It wasn't like that in the comics or movie obviously. Sephiroth as #7 was pretty funny.

AnkhClock responds:

Oh it only has a score this high because I voted five on it every day back when that was allowed lol.

This was a great cartoon although I admit it kind of went on a bit too long. I noticed stuff in the background. It would only be better if they did something like make fun of how we're reading it. You did! There's a sign that says, "Stop reading this!". How clever!

Anyway, I really loved the commentary in this episode. Apparently, Evolve is an actual organization. Hey, I believe in that and I'm religious. I love talking about religion too. The animation's mostly great.

This was bad, but it wasn't terrible. The animation wasn't that bad. Is that the first time I've seen the Lock Day 2010 loading menu? Oh, that was just for you. Glad you guys were still active at this time. I like the music.

Happy belated Lock Day! We need a Fourth of July section. At least it wasn't too obscene. Emphasis on "too". Well, the cartoon itself wasn't.

I saw this when it first came out that is, under judgement. I knew it would pass. I even thought it would win Daily Feature and it did! I will say that in the second half it kind of goes downhill. It's still boring. You showed a blue guy with an orange guy.

That reminded me of Gumball and Darwin! I just love that show that much. I liked knowing about how animation works. It might not even be that good overall. It's a nice experiment.

I loved how fast paced everything was in this. The best part was probably how good the animation was. The voices were great too. Well, there never is much in terms of voices, but you get the idea. Monkeys are always funny. Wait, they have "key" in their name!

That's what you put in a lock! Anyway, why did he bleed blood? Shouldn't he have been bleeding wine? He wasn't holding blood. This was still quite nice.

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