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I loved how fast paced everything was in this. The best part was probably how good the animation was. The voices were great too. Well, there never is much in terms of voices, but you get the idea. Monkeys are always funny. Wait, they have "key" in their name!

That's what you put in a lock! Anyway, why did he bleed blood? Shouldn't he have been bleeding wine? He wasn't holding blood. This was still quite nice.

My favorite was probably Laloteria. That animation was so refreshing. Cloverleaf Palette's was great too. I just love the ones with Amy. I think she makes for the best jokes. All the artwork is good.

I wish everyone was under credits and info. You guys are so talented! It's rare I see such a great cartoon under judgement. Of course I'll vote high on it! I must remember it's on the second of every month.

That was quite short, but it was very funny. I think the best part is the ending. I also noticed the newspaper that said the train was derailed. More harm than good obviously! The animation could have been better. It was at least unpredictable.

It was just too short. I can like this series. It's fine for what it is. It's just nothing to write home about. That's an odd phrase.

Oh, I get it. I was confused about how these stories were connected. They're sketches! I just don't see animated sketches that much. Well, there is "Robot Chicken". I've seen so many parodies of "Dungeons And Dragons".

I've never actually played the game. I liked the song at the end. The animation is quite nice. This is the best in the series! Maybe that's just because I understood it a lot more.

I admit this was hard to follow. I mean, I haven't seen most of those movies! The only one I did see was "The Princess Bride". How ironic. That happens to be my favorite movie. I guess I'm not much into chick flicks.

I saw a couple teen sex comedies. The animation was pretty nice. I'm not following this series. It doesn't seem to have the same characters. It's still good for a laugh.

Ban Day? I didn't even know that was a real holiday. I'm still sad our holidays are declining. At least we still have jams. Anywho, this was better than I thought. True, it's technically bad but it's not terrible.

The animation wasn't bad at least. It's cheap, but still not the worst. I'm glad it didn't get too graphic. At least there was no penis shown. I even like the loading screen.

I don't remember the series having such good animation. Maybe I was thinking of something else? This really was great. I thought the running time was perfect too. It's great to see the story develop. The religious satire is good too.

Well, maybe it wasn't religious satire. It was just anti-religious. How appropriate I'd be going to Church today. Well, the chances were already 1 in 7. This is a fairly unique series.

You know, I thought that could have been worse. It could have looked nothing like the Madness characters at all. Then again, the design is probably so basic anyone can make them. Nice to look back at old Madness days. This didn't last, unfortunately. Weird title too.

What was the fox supposed to be? I think it was something about furries. I believe those are often associated with them on the Internet. I wish there was sound. Happy Madness Day while this was still relevant.

That really had nothing to do with anything. I do like that theme song. My mom used to sing that to me! You notice how talking horses are in now? We have cartoons like "Bojack Horseman" and "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic". I think the author comments took more effort than the actual cartoon.

Well, it's not even that. It's just a single image. I guess other members of the Lock Legion might like this. I'm glad you have enough stuff for Lock Day 09. All of our holidays are now forgotten sadly.

I love how you make fun of yourself at the beginning. Yeah, it really has been too long. Then again, I'm not the biggest fan of this series. It's at least fine. I remember him loving biscuits. I remember the cockatrice.

Well, it wasn't that long ago for me to review. I kind of thought this was a little too long. It could have used more jokes. It was at least interesting. It should be 6 of 5 or something.

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