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I have to admit that this didn't come off quite as a parody to me. I guess I just had to be more familiar with the game. That commercial at the end never gets old. I'm glad this wasn't too short. I still didn't think it was one of your best cartoons. I just have to know more about the game.

It was still good for a cartoon. You have good sprite effects. It was just a cute little cartoon for me. I can see enough cartoons of something to at least know about it. Those claws were cool.

Looking back, this has definitely been enjoyable, but I do feel this could have been better. The fight with Chris Kyle should have been longer. I love the "Warhammer 40K" shout out. I just don't like seeing that six-nippled cat. Still, I love seeing how unique the animation is. Uno looks like Mike from "Monsters Inc".

Well, he is a lighter shade of green. God really was a great character in this. I'm glad there was closure for everyone. A grand finale always works. I appreciate all the fine details in this.

Wow, this was really weird, but certainly entertaining! It was hard to even comprehend this. It seemed like it was just nothing but weird visuals. I mean, these puppet effects are incredible! They're some of the best I've ever seen in my life! I remember the previous entries.

They were just as surreal as this! He kind of looks like Spike from "Cowboy Bebop". This is so beloved it deserves a collection! The story is still hard to follow, but it's just meant to be entertaining. That can mean nonsensical.

Nice how you got a 4.20. Wait, 420? Yeah, this is a bizarre cartoon. I appreciate the little things going on. I just wished there was more CGI. I loved seeing the amazing world you created.

It really started out cynical, but got happier. I'm glad you could show off the two well. You earned your degree! I guess cartoons without words don't count as music videos. For something experimental, it did have a plot.

ChillyCheese responds:

Hell yeah 420, thanks for immortalizing the score with this comment since it will surely change by this afternoon. Glad you like Ericho! I did have more CGI scenes in my storyboard, unfortunately had to cut them due to time limitations. I had a really cool effect of him falling into the scribble where the lines sort of became stretchy and fibrous as he fell through, snapping through them. I had the effect constructed and everything using bifrost and was really proud of how it looked, didnt have time for the animation and compositing though sadly.

That first 3d scene with the camera moving right took so long to compose, and unfortunately even though its a 3d model, it only works for that one angle of the camera. Its basically the simpson meme where all his flesh is tied off in the back, but you the viewer get the good angle :)

I have to admit that I didn't quite like the animation in this. It just could have been better detailed. It's still nice for a little cartoon. I especially love the Charlie Brown music at the end. That's my favorite Christmas movie! Well, I know it's more of a special!

Everyone celebrates Christmas nowadays. I always love seeing Satina. I'm glad it didn't end right away. You stretched the story out well. It probably wasn't meant to be that well drawn.

POSTBOY responds:

You're right. The look was meant to emulate frosty the snowman but i also had limited time and rushed certain parts

I have to admit I don't quite understand this one. I know a lot about the Sonic mythology. I guess not the Knuckles mythology! The best part is easily the animation. This really did seem like something new for you. Where was the "who's there?".

Yeah, I saw that new Sonic trailer. It certainly looks like it could be really good! People will probably start making Spider-Man flashes too. I loved the lack of dot eyes. It seemed rather fitting.

I wasn't that impressed at first. I'm sooo glad it got better as it went along. I could see more art styles. It was great to have Adam Sandler in the end. I mean, just to have him in something funny is an art form. So JonTron was involved in this?

The funniest character was the Indian guy. Oh wait, was it an actual Indian voicing him? Now someone will make a shitty documentary about you! I liked the "shot" jokes. They're not that original, but still funny.

Well, I can understand that this was your first cartoon. I mean, it just wasn't very good. I had to remind myself that it was about Christmas. It just had so little going on. This was the first submission I saw in the Christmas section. It has no thumbnail for some reason.

It was really just you speaking. You needed far more animation. It is at least nice to experiment. I've never heard of a Blue Yeti microphone. I lost the one I used to have.

While the technique was great, I was a little disappointed in something. He didn't punish her properly! I wanted him to beat her up! He hurt her husband more than her! Anyway, this was still wonderfully animated, if that's even the word. I don't think I've ever seen a Lego Santa before.

I mean, they've pretty much everything with Lego! I'm glad we can still find new things. It was really funny how you included that song in the comments. It wasn't even in the actual submission! That's really funny and uh, Merry Christmas!

Wow, what a great cartoon! I admit it could have been longer, but it was still amazing. This guy reminded me of King from "The Owl House". It helps that I was just watching that this morning. The animation is obviously fantastic. It seemed like this was telling a story.

It wasn't really just a fight. It was connecting the early experiences in this character's life. That isn't bad for something so short. It was more like a trailer. While it's December, this is great to watch at any time!

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