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It's interesting to see how this has an ongoing story. It really is relevant to what's going on. I noticed the alien in the crowd. He won't have much of an appearance until later. I wasn't expecting that to happen with Bigfoot. Well, he fits in with the alien.

I will admit that the animation looks a bit too old. The newer stuff is just better. The music is quite good. I have never seen "I Know What You Did Last Summer". Then again, I heard the sequel was worse.

I really do appreciate how the series is getting better. I couldn't seem to remember your name for some reason. It's a pretty nice username. It was just lots of fun to see these characters together. My favorite was Yuffie. I'm not just saying that because she's the one I'm most familiar with already. Although, that is part of the appeal.

I'm glad I can remember that Locke is the blue ninja now. The effects are quite good in this. It really does make me miss the days of sprite flashes. You show such good movement here. The drawn stuff is great too.

Again, I am quite impressed by this! It deserved its Daily Feature. I really like how there's so many weird details in this. I just love Melony's voice. I do wish this series had continued! I would probably want a side scrolling game.

Then again, this was so long ago, you've probably forgotten. I am starting to like that toaster. I feel like the characters have well developed personalities now. Granted, it's still mostly confusing. It's so freaking creative!

fourchinnigan responds:

Thanks for watching and reviewing these old primitive things.

I was just unbelievably touched by this! I remember first seeing the opening to this and asking myself why it had such a high rating. When the story started, it was absolutely amazing! This is some of the greatest animation I have ever seen! Every single character is just so adorable! It helps that I just love cats.

Well, it seems like most people do nowadays. The facial expressions were so strong. The shading was completely flawless. Welcome to this website, dude! I am so glad we have something new who is as talented as you! It's just fantastic!

It was kind of weird how you named this. It didn't even mention the title place. It was still really interesting to see where it all started. I wish you'd make more episodes here. It reminds me of when I recently got my Master's degree. Don't worry, nothing like this happened to me.

I'm referring to both of you. That watch joke was great. I love how apathetic Mike is. I hope this doesn't happen when they get a college degree, if that ever happens. I do miss this series.

This had more movie clips than it had TV clips. I just love seeing all that stuff together. I don't quite get the end, though. I'm so glad this at least won Daily Feature. I think this should be in the Top 50 at least! It's so unique for a cartoon here.

I've probably never seen clips like this at all here. You made something truly amazing. The animated parts are wonderful as well. I can easily see this becoming really popular. I was able to recognize most of the stuff here. It helps I know so much about pop culture.

It's weird how Ben said, "I got resurrected" with this. Anyway, it really is great to see more sticks. I knew there were plenty left. Well, there always will be. I was in no way expect that Technicolor stick to appear. It's a pretty cool effect. I'm surprised that this didn't win anything.

It holds up quite well. I was also not expecting that guy to die at the end. Is that supposed to be Ben? It's kind of weird to look at now. I never really thought of Eskimo Bob as a stick.

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