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This is the lowest ranked submission for Pico Day 2009. It's fairly easy to see why. The animation is quite crude. It's way too short. So Fortran is that Mario guy. I don't know how he got that name.

Why was the "South Park" movie referenced? Seemed like an odd thing. Your voices need to be better too. Well, I guess just voice. At least you were noteworthy in some way.

Wow, I really am impressed by this jam. I think this is one of the most prolific jams we've had in a long time! It's great to know this website is still thriving, at least in some way. It was quite different. I got really interested when it showed the dog dreaming. I can see why it won Daily Feature.

Hopefully, this will get a lot of views. Nice to see it was a collaborative effort. That wasn't even for voices! It was definitely done in high spirits. I can always appreciate that.

antdung responds:

Thank you! As a collaboration, it was a lot of fun to make!

I have to admit I've never been a fan of "Eskimo Bob". I never really understood the humor. It just seemed too boring. There isn't that much going on. Still, I liked this. I like the idea of coming back years later for new episodes.

This actually looks fairly new. It probably has the best animation of any episode. Well, I suspect by the 46th episode, you'd get better. The voices were kind of funny. I would recommend it.

Oh yeah, this was made right before Barack Obama was becoming President. Well, all things look dated eventually. At least the ones that try to be topical. The animation was alright. I just find this and the series to be okay. It's really nothing noteworthy.

It needs to have more going on. I guess like most comedies here, it's serviceable. I just don't find the characters distinguishable. Why does everyone hate Jews? I thought everyone hated Christians.

Dang it, this was so close to being good! There was only one thing that could have been better. The music! I remember the awesome "Less Than Three" video and being hypnotized by its lyrics. This music just wasn't the best. I was still hypnotized by the animation.

It's great enough to love. First time I heard them being referred to as cyborgs. I guess I wasn't paying attention to their true nature. Everything is just so bright and colorful. I'm glad we have great artists like you still here.

This is my favorite in the Bad Dream Jam series. It's mostly because of how subtle it is. You set up a pretty basic story. You know how to still be strong with it. It looks like it was about self mutilation. This didn't seem that much about a bad dream as it was based on a bad dream.

I liked that little green guy. It probably could have been a tad longer though. It still gets its message across. I always watch the most noteworthy jam stuff. Well, I watch everything here.

I admit this wasn't great, but it was still fun. Was this based on a bad dream you had? Was that the premise of this jam? Well, it seems to be about bad dreams from the characters themselves. I actually did like the animation here. It was just too short.

You needed to have more going on. Congratulations on being the thumbnail! You deserve your Underdog Of The Week award. At least it's not Turd Of The Week! Happy Jam I guess.

ChutneyGlaze responds:

Ha ha no actually The name bad dream is just a joke! Chutney just suffocates is all and did not suffer from a bad dream. I didnt actually expect it to be worth being in the jam let alone the thumbnail!

Thanks Ericho!

I didn't care for this because it was too short. I mean, it was just someone buying a guy's painting. It was shown on exhibit and that was it. You needed to have more. I guess the animation wasn't terrible. It wasn't particularly stupid or anything.

It just has little sustenance. The painting actually was quite nice. Wouldn't pay $300 for it though. It's kind of unique. The series isn't for me.

I was not expecting that ending. Well, I knew something wild would happen. I do like seeing these characters again. It's great how it's all pointless for him in the end. I'm impressed at how far a chain of deals can go. I loved when he asked why she didn't just get water herself.

I guess the animation could be better. That's mostly the point, I believe. It was funny to see the live-action poster at the end. It's great how the joke escalates. The punchline is quite deserving.

I didn't see what this had to do with video games. It was just Santa dancing. It didn't feature any games! What's it about anyway? The intro was too long. Well, the whole thing seemed like an intro.

I always want different things on this website. This just had little going for it. I guess you guys are likeable enough. It just wasn't very entertaining. Uh, Merry Christmas I guess either late or early.

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