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I liked this, but it definitely had its flaws. I think it was too long. It should have showed more of the game. It's still pretty cute for what it is. I'm not the biggest fan of you guys. You are fine for what you are.

I especially like the castle thing. It makes it seem more like a cartoon. Live-action stuff is rare here. I miss "Numa Numa Dance". My connection's pretty fast, but this is old by now.

Again, this really happened to you? I laughed out loud with the kid with the cigarette. I don't see why the score is so low. Most of us can associate with stuff like this! I'm sure we've all played soccer. You know, in gym class at least.

I'm lucky to never be a coach. I did like playing soccer. I remembered at least one goal I got in. Of course, I also remember at least one goal that got past me as the goalie. Hilarious as ever.

I was wondering why this was listed under my subscriptions. It's because Jazza was a voice actor! Nice to still have him here! I really did like how good the animation was. I admit to not being familiar with "Fable". It was confusing when he broke the fourth wall. Was he talking about the game or the actual cartoon itself?

He looks like Inigo Montoya. I just like "The Princess Bride" so much. It was cute for you to appear as yourself at the end. I was wondering about that black eye too. Video game parodies will never stop here.

I was confused at first as to why this had such a high rating. It was just two guys talking. I'm not familiar with the series. Is that all that usually happens? I was at least expecting some action. The conversations they do have are great.

It's small talk that make situations funny. This wasn't really like a sketch. Well again, I can't tell from the lack of other episodes. Freezer Burn's a good name. It sounds like an oxymoron.

This was one of my favorite episodes in the series. Granted, I can barely remember any at all. For me, the best part was the self awareness. You really do create your own world here. You also acknowledge that! The animation is uh, good.

The running time worked nicely as well. I especially enjoyed the big part at the end. Uh, isn't everyone here animated in Flash? I guess they don't have to be. They just need to be cartoons.

I'm honestly thinking that this works better as a drama. I mean, it really does tell a fairly serious story. It kind of reminds me of "Bojack Horseman". I've never actually seen that show, but this reminds me of it. Of course a dog would talk about a bitch! His mother literally was one!

The animation is so great. Everything is just so smooth. I like to learn about the personal lives of these characters. The bear doesn't look morbidly obese. He just seems like a regular bear.

It's been way too long since you've submitted something. Most people were looking for Tarboy, but this is awesome as well. This is a sheer delight from beginning to end. It's one of the best experimental cartoons I've ever seen. It helps that this voice is so omnious. I know Mark Zuckerberg has done some questionable things.

Of course, really any big corporation has done things like that. The glasses look like insect eyes. It can be hard to keep an experimental film enjoyable for over ten minutes. Well, it does have kind of a plot. This is a very unique submission everyone should see. I knew it would get Daily Feature...and probably more.

I love this mostly because of how great the animation is. You really do seem to know a lot about animal anatomy. I am learning more and more about this series and its characters. It does have an ongoing story. Lizard Tail Danny seems familiar. He looks like another character here.

You have a great picture at the credits too. So the love donkeys were real. That pose on the logo is great too. This cartoon's running time is good too. You get a lot for its time.

This was one of the last ones you submitted here. Of course I've been following you. This series did eventually end. I like how everything builds up. You know he's going to get hurt eventually. It actually isn't dangerous to awaken a sleep walker.

I wonder why they're green? I don't think there's any real difference. Your silly voice works so well here. You really did improve with these designs. They're much smoother.

I didn't think this was as good as the other ones. It's mostly because it's just nothing new. Well, I guess a play is something different. There's still nothing wrong with it. It's just not rewarding. We don't get any food in the story.

I'm starting to recognize the voices. Again, nice with how you continued in the credits. I just want more of a story. It's still fine for a short cartoon. Well, most cartoons here are short.

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