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I think this was the longest entry in the series. It helps that it does have a good plot. That troll has one big butt. Don't remind me of that song. It was interesting to see how the plot advanced. We can use that in comedy.

I even liked how the king kept ranting during the credits. Well, it was just one screen. I still love the animation. I'm just repeating things. The accents always entertain me.

I'm starting to feel that the King's a pretty bad guy. Aww, I never executed anyone. Well, you could argue he executed a deer here. I like deer. As usual, his voice was hilarious. I wasn't paying attention to the wizard.

This actually seemed to have more of a story than usual. That works pretty well. I did kind of miss the other characters. The king is pretty close to being the main character. There's not much continuity.

Dang, this is so funny! These guys look like they're wearing Halloween costumes. I think that's probably the point. I just love seeing how all these goofy people in one place. You never know what's going to happen. That is one low limbo.

I am getting more used to these characters. Still can't remember their names. Well, maybe they don't have any. This line design is so unique. It holds up quite well.

That steed was blue. That's already pimped! No wonder that guy was arrested. I just love the animation and voices. Everything is so wonderfully goofy. Some of the voices are a bit too similar, though.

Not much about food here. Just listening to these guys cracks me up. It's great you can do so much with them. A pity this series ended. Well, everything here is now.

I love this cartoon because of how it just keeps building itself up. You'd think it would end at any time. I thought it would end with him being showered in blood again. I love how it keeps going on. This reminds me of an episode of "Family Guy". Meg's Care Bear committed suicide.

You are of course much funnier. I love these voices. I also love how the bleeps are duck quacks. You just keep making consistently hilarious cartoons. No wonder these ratings are so high.

My favorite joke was probably the first one. You know, about how he made it up. I just love how this is animated. You really do have a lot going on for a short cartoon. You introduce a lot of new characters. Wait, they are new, right?

I see so many cartoons it's hard to keep track of them. I love how you omitted the black lines. The color sticks out so much better. The length was pretty good too. Glad to know you could make so many so quickly.

Dang, this is hilarious! You always find new and creative ways to top yourself. A pity the series is over. I'd love to see stuff with Donald Trump. If you ever make more, do one with him and/or "My Little Pony". It's weird how it's already a subverted kid's show.

The colors really do work well. Pussycat BopBop is probably the best character. We need a "Grand Theft Auto" section here. It's really popular of course! The music gets a little annoying.

You have your own section on this website but "There She Is!" doesn't?! This was just mediocre ...at best. It was too short. The best part was probably the short song at the end. I still remember Caramelldansen. The animation wasn't the worst.

It just wasn't memorable. I don't think Jim Day is an official holiday. Well, not even unofficial. I guess there was nothing offensive. There was just nothing of sustenance.

Okay, that was freaking awesome. I love how it's all done without dialogue. I thought it might have a plot at first. It certainly didn't need one. I think for a lot of people, their two biggest vices are greed and lust. That was mostly covered here.

I just love how everyone's floating around. It's pretty easy to understand the metaphors. Well, they aren't even really metaphors. Of course, the music was amazing too. We need more unique cartoons like this. I will not let power corrupt me, not that I'd ever get any anyway.

It's weird to see a movie submission from Tom Fulp. Of course it would be a teaser! I didn't even know it would be for a game at first. Great to have such talented artists come together. Oh wait, it's a console game. It's not going to be available on this website.

I'm sure some version will. People always make remixes. The colors look great. It's easy to recognize the style of you guys. Of course it's sexual in some way.

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