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Dang, I still keep mistaking eyelashes for eyebrows! It was weird for you to make a test, but it was certainly better than most test submissions here. I appreciate you having great animation as usual. I was thinking his whole fae was going to rip apart. Yeah, I've been watching too much "Happy Tree Friends". I knew something bad was going to happen to him at the end.

I thought this would be about how animating eyelashes was difficult. I guess in a certain way, it was. While it was short, it still delievered the goods. I had no idea that could even happen in real life. Then again, you never said it could.

I was surprised that tall guy didn't die at the end. I thought that what you would do is that a character would die in every cartoon. Oh well, this is still very funny. What really made it was the tall guy complimenting the blocks. How nice of him not to kill him. The voices were pretty awesome too. I love how stupid everyone sounds.

It seems like these characters are trying to do something obvious. I think this may in fact be the best animation you've ever worked on. It's great to see the block graphics contrast with the cartoonish designs. You've done stuff like this before, but not this well. I look forward to more episodes.

Dude, you have to have more main awards than anyone else on the website! While I personally found the animation great, it was weird how the poor kid's house was going to burn down. Eh, I'm probably coming off as too soft on this. I think my favorite part was the boy's eyes. It was weird, because he didn't look that interesting at first, but when he opened his eyes and looked amazing. I don't think that's how you spell "firery".

Eh, I'm nitpicking. The image of Santa Claus going through the night sky on fire is so freaking funny. Let's hope he doesn't bring that to other houses. This is the first Christmas submission I've seen and probably the only one to win all three main awards! You are such a good artist, I can understand why it takes so long to make these things.

chluaid responds:

thanks so much man. Actually "fiery" is the correct spelling. I'm a closet grammar nazi :P
Glad you liked the design of the kid. As for why it takes so long, it's mostly because a little short like this doesn't pay any bills. Most of my life now is spent at this computer animating stuff for clients, wishing I had more time for my own stuff, like Brackenwood and music videos.

Okay, I'm going to say right now I have no dea what "Hej Sokoly" is all about. Given how this is the Internet, I wouldn't be surprised if it became popular. I was thinking this would be a music video, but it really wasn't. It barely had any spoken words and mostly lyrics. Through all of this, I still thought it was extremely enjoyable. I had no idea what was going on, but it was great to watch.

I am really starting to notice your style. I guess it must take a heck of a long time to make these cartoons because the last one of yours I reviewed was a long time ago. I just think the characters look so adorable, like chibi Powerpuff Girls. As if Powerpuff Girls weren't chibi enough! Fun for any fan of music.

I thought this was a pretty interesting Madness flash. By "interesting", I mean it was truly bizarre. I guess that isn't necessarily a bad thing. It was pretty weird to see the characters with faces. I thought it was funny how the guy was shot so many times at the beginning, but simply brushed it off. Heck, those guys have been shot so many times, it's probably nothing to them.

I also like the songs you chose on the radio. I think it was a Justin Bieber song that was the first one he listened to. It was as non sequitor as most crazy Madness flashes are. It just seemed to go over the place. If you're a big Madness fan, you should probably like this.

Ratcaller responds:

Oh such a lovely review! Thanks!

Dude, this was freaking awesome! This is seriously one of the best trailers I've ever seen on this website. It's really cool how you began by saying it was from the director of another Madness cartoon. It really makes it look like a professional movie. It's amazing how many different styles are incorported into this. Seriously, it looks like numerous people worked on the animation.

The Madness thing is just something that will never get old. I appreciate the unique use of angles here. It looks like there's one guy who was skinned alive! Given the world of MC, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. A pity this didn't win anything for Madness Day 2012. It might be my favorite submission from that day!

I found this to be really funny! I think my favorite part was when the creeper thought that a single kill was a holocaust. It's hard to say why, but I could really associate with these characters. It's cool to reverse the situation and have the human as the villian. At least he is to the other creatures' perspective. I wouldn't kill something that first talked to me.

The animation was spectacular in this! I loved how the cartoonish creatures contrasted with the blocky human. You have always had great animation, but this seemed to be one of your best. I loved the funny voices too. It's great this is going to be a full series.

I was thinking this was going to about some specific religion, particularly Christainity. It came across as just more of a broad description of parables in general. It seems like this wasn't so much religious, as it was spiritual. That's the kind of thing that we can all agree on. It also helps that the animation is really good. You have made so many of these spiritual submissions. You seem to really be doing us a service.

Your voice is great, particularly with how soft you sound. I especially like when the one guy says he's no more of a messiah than anyone else. It kind of makes you feel humble about yourself. I guess they were supposed to be sea monkeys or something. All in all, a very nice cartoon.

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