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This is a pretty awesome movie and I'm glad I was able to catch it on the Portal's Top 50. It was really cool how the animation and voices were great. The most enjoyable things, were of course the jokes. I liked at the end how Max was just shot while drinking. I'm not even sure if that was an intentional joke. I love how deadpan he is compared to everything else.

It's also hilarious how stupid the bimbos are portrayed. It's hard to really feel sympathy for them, or really anyone for that matter. I remember you, haitam, as being a very competant artist. I am not that familiar with the game, though. It's still funny for anyone.

haitam responds:

Thanks for the review .I can't take that much credit though ,SirUndead did the writing and voicing!

I was confused by this, because I thought it was a game at first. It just seemed to be a loop of Madness stuff. That being said, I still thought this wasn't that bad. It mostly worked because it was great to see all these different deaths. I guess that might sound morbid, but most people are like that anyway. It's interesting to see what different details those characters will have.

I thought the music was also pretty appropriate. I like how you're trying to set up a dramatic story for these characters. It might not have been intended that way, but it's how I interpreted it. I did not look at the first couple of versions of this. This really has potential.

As another entry in this series, I didn't think was as good as some other entries. It was still nice to see all this great animation. I also thought all the voices were well synched and suited the characters quite well. It's hard to believe this series has been going on for so long. For the beginning of nearly every episode, I was almost always fooled into pressing something on screen thinking it was a game. This time, I didn't do it!

Anyway, it's always nice to see new developments in the series. You really keep the audience guessing as to what will happen next. It does have some serious themes, so it isn't that much of a comedy anymore. No, I can't remember these characters' names. This is the second flash I've seen today with Minecraft characters!

This is pretty interesting. I had really no idea at all where this was going. I thought you were just going to talk about the origins of the chickens in the Zelda games. Instead, this just kept going from video game to video game until finally reaching its conclusion. It made no sense, but it was quite entertaining. I think my favorite part was at the end when the kid was all shot up.

It also helps that the animation was so good. I really liked how there was so much motion. I wish I could have seen what was attacking that guy before he went into the wall. And to think, it wasn't chickens who did him in. While this was quite ridiculous, it was still very fun.

I thought this was pretty good. I can see that it was only made in a certain amount of time. I just wish that the animation could have been better. It is a pretty funny idea for a guy to claim he has the ability to go back intime when all he did was turn the clocks back. I have a brother who once did that, but for another reason. I wasn't even aware of NATA 2012.

The voices are fairly decent in this. It's neat how the body motions are exaggerated with the characters. Next time, you should probably have better animation. It has a fairly simple title. I was almost fooled by that guy when he claimed he came from the future.

I was not that impressed by this. I have to give you credit for at least making a harmless cartoon. It's just something that doesn't appeal to me much. It actually is a fairly original premise. It probably would have been a lot better if the animation was slicker. I just didn't see any noteworthy slapstick or anything.

It's fine for what it is. Maybe I've been on this website too long to expect something crazy to happen. It should just have more things going on. It doesn't have to be fancy, just make it so that it stands out from other submissions. It's an okay try.

I didn't like this at all. I think the best thing you could have done to improve on it was to have more movement. There is some movement, but it's just the same movements over and over again. Geez, that's starting to sound dirty. Anyway, there were some okay use of colors, but nothing that special. You need to work with shading more.

I guess the lyrics are supposed to be ironic. It seems weird a female voice would say she wouldn't want to be gay. Oh well, it makes as much sense as some other stuff I've seen. That green man is too fat. I actually felt a bit sorry for him at the end.

This is another really weird Madness cartoon. I think it's mostly because it really lacks structure. Then again, this is Madness, so it's not supposed to have any kind of story. It's hard to pick a favorite part because they come at you so fast you can't tell the difference. It seems like everyone had a lot of fun doing this. This must have been a nice way to end 2011 for you guys!

You didn't win any awards, but you still got the high score you deserved. You truly have no idea what's going to pop up next in this. The deaths are actually pretty sudden and more realistic than usual. It has all the great action of a usual Madness cartoon. I like the atmosphere too.

liuzirui1122 responds:

Thanks for the review

I guess I'm not as big a fan of Nyan Cat as I thought as I didn't give it a full five stars. It doesn't matter, because this is still a great submission. I guess I was just kind of looking for more of an ongoing story. Of course, for something like Nyan Cat, I shouldn't have been expecting that. I think my favorite was the one where he was in Germany with beer. I just think he looks so cute fat.

This reminds me of another compilation using the "What Is Love?" meme. I really thought he was going to awaken at the end. For people who are fans of this guy, you should love this. It's interesting with how you have no idea what's going to show up next. I still love cats.

My only complaint was that this was a bit too short. Apart from that, it was pretty much flawless. I think the coolest thing about it was how rapidly the jokes came on. I guess it makes sense it would end so abruptly as he was done with his quests. My favorite line was probably at the beginning when that one guy was told not to say that. I also liked him asking why he wasn't held at gunpoint more.

The animation is as good as ever. It's pretty funny to see him get his voice all up too. I like how funny the facial expressions are too. I kind of forgot about this series. The game should certainly prove to be popular.

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