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I didn't think this would be that good, but it definitley got better as it went on! I think my favorite thing was probably how the characters all seemed to have different designs. My only complaint is that some of the animation seemed a tad off. It's still great to see a guy who looks like an elf as the main character. I liked how some characters had their names on, so people could understand them. The sounds were good too.

It could have used some more music, but it really didn't need that much. It was interesting to see the different ways you could kill people. While not as good as the original Madness, still worth checking out. I wish I knew HOW to suggest things into the Madness category. It just doesn't work anymore.

Rapheus responds:

Glad you enjoyed it, this was my pride and joy whenever I made it.
Yeah, the animation was shabby at times, but in my defense, this was only my third animation.
Thanks a lot for the review!

I have to admit that I was not very impressed with this. It's just that there have been so many better Madness flashes. I think my favorite part was probably when the bus (or whatever it was) was heading towards the guys. I guess it wouldn't have been fast enough to move out of the way. The music was pretty nice, though. You really seemed to be better at English than you think.

I thought this was going to be something with mad libs. It's just hard to tell. I tried to keep a body count, but there were too many deaths at one time. I really should do that more in Madness flashes. It didn't need to have so much talking.

Coft responds:

good ol' 2008

Okay, I had no idea at all what to expect from this, but it turned out to be awesome! It was really cool how there was always action going on. Granted, I had little idea who was who, but it didn't matter. I thought there was an ad running, because I kept hearing this audio that didn't seem to fit the cartoon. It turns out it actually was part of the cartoon. The best weapon was easily the sword that flew out (it's hard to put into words).

It's just great to see how relentless these characters are. There's always something going on and it's fun to see how much blood loss these characters can take. I wasn't expecting the characters to live after being stabbed so many times. Then again, I didn't expect any of them to die either. Miccool is probably the best stick flash artist ever.

I was truly impressed by this remake. It reminds me of Kirbopher's remake of the original TTA series. Anyway, it's great to see all this fantastic animation. I will never get over how adorable these characters look! When Zelda shows up, she will probably be more beautiful than any other depiction. I never really thought of her as being that attractive, but you're such a good artist.

I didn't know how to put on Medium quality. I right clicked and I just had to reload the page. It's been too long since you've submitted something. Does this mean you're going to abandon the old series? It helps that my avatar is of a Link-like character.

Dude, I thought this was freaking hilarious! I think my favorite part is probably when he manages to get hit by the building at the end. If I saw a woman who was in a bikini top THAT revealing, I would have felt the same way. I loved how there were cameos from British people like Eddsworld. I guess it kind of makes you appreciate the contributions Britain has made to this site. I especially love the fact how everything goes insane.

It seems like it was just the bird's fault at the end that the coliseum collapsed. It's too bad you're late for the 2012 Olympics. I still can't help but love this because of the great animation. It's awesome to see all these things going on and how they all add up in the end. Maybe the funniest was the people on fire. Yeah, that's morbid, but funny.

Zeurel responds:

This was originally aired during the Olympics, just uploaded to Newgrounds now.

This is funny, because I was actually thinking about how Pikachu gave children seizures. You didn't realize it, but there's a reason for that! I was really hoping this was going to be one of those infinite loop videos. It still turned out to be awesome. I love how you drew Pikachu and how funny he reacts to everything. The boobs were kind of, um, a turn off. It's really neat when you have a parody of a parody.

The animation all around is absolutely fantastic. Dang, you look like a demon in this cartoon. The lyrics are also very nice. I guess lightning AIDS would be more suitable than regular AIDS on Pikachu. The redundant title is cute too.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

cheers ericho

I was expecting this to be longer because this is the longest time between episodes. Well, we finally get to see Zetto! I admit that it will probably take awhile for me to get used to this new design. I didn't think this was as good as some other entries because of the reasons I just listed. It's still fantastic, as are all of your other submissions. Dang, it was way back in 2002 that I was on that forum.

I can not thank you enough for introducing me to this website and helping me become one of its most prolific reviewers. The animation is completely flawless. I had no idea Zetto was going to beat Alpha like that. I hope the next episode won't have that long of a delay.

While it didn't have a lot of weird things in it, it was still very strange. Why did you look like your face lost twenty pounds? Anyway, I was able to pick up some of the stuff that was in the previous episodes. I follow this hopefully as well as anybody else. It helps that you keep up your great animation style. Fantasia has a sister named Fantasia?

Or is that not Fantasia you (if that even is you) are talking to? I guess I just wish for more variety in your submissions. I could tell you were trying to make this realistic. Yeah, I'm not good at conversations. Man, is this series popular.

LazyMuffin responds:

My face has been skinny for the past few episodes! I explained it and all. She has a sister called Funtasia, but not the one introduced in episode 6. I'll trrrrry. thanks.

The best thing about this was easily the beginning. It really had the feeling of going to an actual movie! Anyway, it's time how you guys are so timely with everything! These are the times that horror movies come out in theaters and are shown on TV. I was surprised, however, at how slow the rest of it seemed to move. In one segment, it listed the credits, but there was another trailer.

It makes you wonder what an actual full length movie would be like from you guys. Hey, this was 13 minutes, so it certainly seemed like on! It's cool how that is in fact how long the trailers are before most movies start. The title's also nice. It's great to see you guys all get together like this, even if it doesn't make the best cartoon.

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