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I think this may in fact have been your best submission! While it didn't have color, it was still wonderful to watch! It was just great because you had no idea what was going to pop up next. It was also great how everything turned out to be important in the end. I also thought the ending was really sweet (in pretty much every sense of the word). I thought the headless guy looked like an arrow pointing up.

It's also great how you lead up to the next major holiday after this. For some reason, the artwork reminded me of "Rocky And Bullwinkle". It was great to see everyone and everything move in such an energetic manner. Any fan of animation should like this masterpiece. The overall positive attitude is great too. I hope you have a great Halloween too!

It would be silly of me to say this was racist, because it's just intended to be silly. I like how there's one cop who's actually sane. In fact, that one cop who beat the guy up is probably the only INsane man there. I love how you keep up that great animation style. The all caps really covered this well. Dang, that dude's got some big nipples.

What also struck me as weird was how this big muscular guy was put down so easily. Oh, and Happy Halloween and Happy New Star Wars movies! Sorry, I just had to say that. The voices are very funny too. I really don't think police are racist, they hate everyone!

I admit that I was a little disappointed in this. I didn't seem to find anything that satirical, not that I really look for that sort of thing in your videos anyway. It was still nice to see all this great animation. It's awesome to see you taking note of a holiday. I guess Halloween is the best time for us to wear costumes of our favorite characters. That's a nice tentacle monster you have.

It seems like this might have worked better if it was just an audio submission. Then again, we wouldn't have those always great visuals. Of course she dresses like Raven! I can understand why BennettTheSage is worse than AskThatGuyWithTheGlasses if he works on THIS. Congrats on your success!

Okay, I didn't understand why this was made, as it's the same as the other one. This time, I was also disappointed that it did not escalate into real action. There are still a few things I noticed here that I didn't the first time. I took note of how there were marks representing the days on the wall. I knew there'd be a variant of the children on Halloween. Pilgrims would be zombies.

It's better to eat a live baked turkey (?) than a living human. The animation was also great. At least you didn't have Joey use the same weaponry. He needs to learn from his mistakes. You'd think Phil would stay infected from last time.

I admit that I was a tad turned off by the anti-climax. It just seems like there could have been more action. Then again, there are really only two zombies out there, so it wouldn't have made for much. I really like how the animation is as good as ever. You guys just never quit making these, huh? Happy Halloween!

By that, it's Halloween from both the time you made this and the time I'm writing this review. It's great to be topical. I was expecting Phil to turn sooner. Joey really does have a good amount of brains. I was afraid he was going to resort to eating them at the end when he said he was hungry.

I know I have heard of you guys before, but couldn't understand this. I guess if you look closely, it does have continuity. It is kind of interesting to see how this all fits. What really weighs you down is the fact that you don't have any color. The voices weren't that good, but probably weren't supposed to be. I suppose it does well with your fans.

This appears to be one of your older works. The other stuff you guys have worked on is a lot better. I think the reason this has such a high rating is because it's around Halloween. Then again, there seem to be a lot better Halloween flashes around here. Someone likes you.

Well, I didn't understand this. Was it supposed to be a social statement? If so, I certainly missed the point. I do have to give you credit for at least having some good animation. The voice acting, what little was there, actually was good. It seems like this would be something more appropriate for an audio submission.

It looks too much like a test, which are generally frowned upon here. I had this feeling it was going to end shortly. It just seemed too nonsensical to go on that long. You are lucky to have such a high rating. I see great potential in you.

It's rare you come across something billed as a collab that has an ongoing story. It's even rarer when the animation doesn't change. Congradulations on another great episode, guys. I think the best thing about this was probably the animation, which as gorgeous as ever. The voices were all fantastic too. You'd think I'd recognize Kirbopher too.

It's always nice to have parodies of popular movies. I like how the characters just come off as so likeabler. You guys really do make this believable with the setting. You deserve the Daily Feature you got. Oh, and that was a cool joke about the color green.

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