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I thought this was going to be a sequel to "Butt Worms". It turned out to be something just as disgusting. I thought that maybe the father was going to say that he'd done a "vomit", with what he did in the toilet. I will admit that the animation isn't that good. I do think it's kind of gross to talk about poo. How could she have done so much poo?

I really shouldn't think so much about poo. I'm so glad she was put in an asylum at the end. If my daughter did that, I'd do the same. It does kind of go on a bit too long too. Of course, that may be because I don't watch to see that much poo. I think one of your other cartoons was showing on the TV.

I thought it just had a strange overall appearance. I couldn't really get that much into a final punchline or anything. I still have to give you credit for having some fantastic animation. Honestly, this may in fact be the best I've ever seen in a Valentine's Day cartoon! But yeah, I wish it had more to with the actual holiday. You definitley have potential, but it doesn't seem to be used well.

I'm glad it wasn't spoken in Spanish. It's been so long since I've taken a Spanish class everytime I hear the language I get embarassed that I can't understand it. This also happened to be my dad's birthday! I hope you had a good holiday too.

I just thought this was so cool! I think it was mostly because it reminds me so much of the classic Street Fighter games. I don't know about this contest you are talking about. There are so many of them on this website I lose track. The red guy looks like a reptile of some kind. I wouldn't expect a reptile to have a sixpack, but I'm not a herpetologist.

The animation moves so wonderfully fluid here. It's pretty much as good as anything else you've worked on. You remind me of golfinho, only not as disgusting. That is probably why I like you more. The work with the shadows is nice too.

TheBoogley responds:

Thanks again for your review, It's great to have your opinion on my work! :D
LoopdeLoop is an animation challenge site that I have been running for a while.

I was wondering why this did not have the name "Shamoozal" on it. I thought it was just going to be a live-action sequence at first. I guess that probably wouldn't have worked out well for the website. Then again, the "Numa Numa Dance" was live-action. I thought this was a neat little tribute. It's too bad I never played these games as a kid.

I was more of a Mario guy. It was really cool to incorporate different styles for everything. You all these scenes by yourself? Impressive! I think my favorite was probably the Contra part, with the ghost and everything.

Shamoozal responds:

I almost didn't post this video because of the live action stuff, I wasn't sure if it was going to fly. And yes I handled everything in this video, all of the animated sequences and the live action stuff. Glad you liked it.

It was quite interesting to see what a Clock Day 2012 submission would be like that got a high score. Seriously, there wasn't that much this year. I couldn't help but think it was just a single image at the beginning. I tried to press some buttons to do something and it actually seemed to work. Of course, that was only coincidence. At least you guys got your own yearly page.

I did think the designs were pretty good. I just wish I could understand what the characters were saying. I guess it's fairly suiting for a Clock Day submission. You guys probably should work on higher quality stuff. This just doesn't seem to show effort.

I found this to be very enjoyable. The animation that was shown at the beginning with the opposum was wonderful. It might even be the best I've seen in an animation by you. I should have known something bad was going to happen with that meat. I had no idea these characters were so poor. I had no idea where the story was going to go.

I thought the opposum in the beginning was just a short visual gag. It managed to take up the entire cartoon's plot. I liked the part when the one guy was punched. Yes, I do not remember these characters' names. I remember the birds though.

Oh no! You created another entry in the pencilmation series and it did not win Daily Feature?! All it won was Daily 4th place?! I guess it's not that big of a deal because it still has an extremely high score. I think the best part about this was how it showed the two guys helping each other out.

I initially thought people didn't like green apples at all, but that changed at the end. It was funny to have that cameo from that one guy, sorry, I don't remember his name. The use of coloring was freaking awesome in this! While there wasn't any shading, you still got a great sense of depth. I just with the apples could have been shown hitting the dragon bandit.

This was a pretty strange submission, even for YOU. It didn't even have any lyrics. It was just a very happy looking plane dropping cat bombs. That is of course not to say that it wasn't a lot of fun. It seems like you were really experimenting with something new. It seems like with your prolificness, that would be hard to do. I kind of wish the image resolution was better.

I knew something violent was going to come out of this. Of course, if you were going to be blown up, cat bombs would probably be the best way to do it. I have no idea what a panda's doing in this. Oh wait, maybe the bombs didn't kill you? That just makes it better!

Woah, I think this is one of the first Eddsworld animations I've seen since Edd, well, uh, died. That being said, this was a fantastic return! It's been so long since I've seen something by paultervoorde as well. It was great for you to keep making those snow puns. I wasn't even thinking about how it wasn't Christmas. I think this may in fact have the best animation of anything that had the Eddsworld name on it.

It's wonderful to see you guys still doing stuff. You don't know what to expect. Even though I could kind of tell the second snowman was going to die, it was delivered wonderfully! I freaking love how all the facial expressions are unforgettable! I wish I lived where it was snowing. I live in Florida, BTW.

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