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I was quite impressed by this, and not just because you had a unique art style. It's interesting to really get through what it must be like to be one of these guys. I even love your author's comments. Maybe they didn't all die and some lived. Then again, there was that one episode that showed the death toll, so they probably do all die. Of course, they're all total idiots, so no one cares about them.

That's what you get for looking similar! That's actually the reason why they're so easy to kill, they all look the same and have no distinction like Hank. What, you didn't think that had a scientific explanation? It works nice for a short parody and it was a tad longer than I thought it would be. It's great for quick run.

I was impressed at how much you mentioned to cram in. This reminds me of the 30 second bunnies. Dang, do I miss those guys. I didn't have to be concerned about having the ending spoiled because pretty much everyone has seen this. I think it might be even more well known a movie this year than the Avengers. The animation was great.

It was good to see how fast paced the jokes were. The funniest thing was probably Bane. That guy had such a strange voice it was easy to make fun of (along with Batman's). He looked like Jesus when he escaped. Then again, he is portrayed by CHRISTIAN Bale, hee hee.

Here's yet another funny entry in this series! I think what really makes it is how funny the voices are. My favorite is probably how the green creeper talks. I knew the guy was going to kill something soon. You surprised me, as I thought he was going to kill the baby cow. I guess not even he would be a fan of veal. Dang, is the contrasting animation good in this.

I don't see what the point of that stinger was. Well, I'm just being nitpicky and have to appreciate the great artwork. I love how all the characters are different. The tall guy looks like the innocent cousin of the Slender Man. I had no idea you were going there with the previous episode.

I unfortunately did not like this. I thought this would be more like a collab with different people contributing. I did not like how cheaply the animation was done here. I think it would have worked better if you had released it in a smaller file. I admit that the jokes themselves weren't that bad. The best part was probably the bit with the fly.

I just don't know how this was meant to be appealing. It reminded me of "Robot Chicken". There needed to be more movement and more things going on. I at least have to congradulate you guys on having such a high rating. It was weird with how you had the voice as a music submission.

Wow, this was very weird. I guess I probably would have liked it more if I was a fan of "Fist Of The North Star". I have to give you props for having some really well done visuals in this. The description made it seem like it was just a preview at first. Then again, who has VHS's anymore? I loved the animation in this and it was something even non-fans could appreciate.

It seems like you really went out and explored the strange universe of this show. I love how silly the voices are too. I can see you working on legitimate tributes instead of parodies. It was great to have no idea what was going to happen next. That might be even better for me, as I haven't watched the series.

You might want to have also had a warning about there being blood. Wow, this website really does seem to like pokemon more. Anyway, I freaking loved the animation in this. I had no idea it was going to be so short. Then again, I guess with a description like that, it couldn't go that far. The voice was really cute too.

I actually managed to feel bad for the Scyther and his trainer. The trainer's dying words weren't even nice. It does make you realize how unfortunate it would be to have a pokemon with giant scythes for arms. How do those guys pick things up? I loved the omission of the black outer lines.

I didn't like this probably because it just went on too long. I didn't know when this thing was going to stop. I thought that it would be a tribute to the Rise Of The Mushroom Kingdom cartoons by Randy-Solem. While it was a tad similar, I couldn't really understand it. Why was Luigi killing all these innocent toads? I guess it doesn't help that I didn't see the originals.

I have to congradulate you on having such a high ranked submission. There were too many things that were annoying. The toads just screamed too much. Then again, that did kind of make it more satisfying when they died. The artwork didn't seem that good either.

This is currently ranked as the greatest submission to the portal of all time! Frankly, I do not understand why. It goes on too long, for one thing. It also seems to just be this guy talking minute after minute. The best part was probably when it showed some graphics of the actual website. This was a bit out of place, but still worked well.

Your voice acting seems a bit off too. There isn't a lot of emotion in this character's voice. You could have also used a background of some sort. Given how popular this is, you obviously have potential. You need to be more detailed and trim it a bit.

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