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I thought this was one of the funniest episodes. Well, I guess I can call them episodes. The weather duck found another new sound to make. I'm glad we actually saw him pee this time. I'm glad you referenced #1. We need more jokes like that instead of #2.

I loved the return of the tree tings! I've been waiting for that for awhile. I wish you could have done something for both Easter and April Fool's Day. Well, it was a Sunday. Easter's always on one of those.

It was weird not to have Blockhead's conscience appear until the end. Then again, he was kind of already in the cartoon as that one guy. Have you ever seen the show "Time Squad"? Sorry, but I keep thinking of that when looking at this title. Blockhead seems a little smarter than usual. Well, less dumb.

Blockhead still steals the show. This seemed to be equal drama and comedy. I can appreciate that. I really did feel for these characters. I'm glad they were friends. The blonde guy kind of looks like He-Man.

This really happened to you? That's a lot of wieners. Was that a screenshot from "Hot Fuzz" on the wall? I've heard great things about that movie. I'm fortunate enough to never be in a situation like this. A pity you were one day late for April Fool's Day.

Well, it was also Easter. Could have made something Easter related. Well, it does say April Fool's Day was away so this must have been made before that. Your voice is always funny. I guess your stuff could be more detailed.

I'm one of the few people that didn't like this series. I mean, it's basically just nothing but fights on school grounds. I just thought it made little sense. It would have made more sense to set this on like the streets. I've heard of people beating others up that were arrested for attempted murder. Couldn't that happen here?

Well, I don't know how Japanese schools work. Maybe it's a cultural thing. I will admit that I do like the voice acting. It's not like it's shoddily put together or anything. It just doesn't make much sense with its world.

It was weird how this works good as a serious cartoon. I mean, Blockhead's not even really the main character here. It was strange not to have Blockhead's conscience here. Well, he kind of did. This was in too parts? This has more than two parts.

I love the animation. I also love how Blockhead acknowledges that it makes no sense. It really doesn't! I loved all the different areas you went into. Blockhead really is doing more good than harm here.

I admit this was kind of a weaker episode. It was still quite fun. It's great that they acknowledge how bored they are. The animation is as good as ever. I could barely see Hitler there! The Moon's size seems to change.

Must be bad for surfers! I just want more in these episodes. You really do have defined characters. That's hard to do with such short episodes. Squid aren't related to prawns!

Aww, fans should want to see the other episodes. Wait, have I? I guess it's cliché for the last episode to be considered the best. This had great serious moments. The comedy was good too. It's quite an absorbing story.

Emily is quite likeable. People should be glad this got finished at all! I mean, there's tons of series here that haven't had a new episode come out in over a decade! I will admit the animation could be better. It's still quite good.

I loved the reference to Nobodie's Shorts. When you make the episodes longer, it really does seem like a TV show. I mean, a lot of animated shows are only 11 minutes long. I love that dildo picture in the background. It's little jokes like that that make this. It's great how they just keep on going and going.

So the cow really was magic! I love how the plot just goes everywhere. Well, it is mostly about the bikinis. The pacing works so well. I like how the sandwich became relevant.

The animation was great in this one! Did they have to show off their butts so much? The best part was with the girl at the beginning. I was still happy when she died and happy when she respawned! I just love your art style. Everything looks so gorgeous!

You had enough jokes for the running time. I noticed the woman in the wheelchair with the speakaphone voice. Too soon for Stephen Hawking's death? Or was this a tribute? It was still hilarious.

I wish these were longer. They're still funny though. I really liked the Mickey Mouse joke. I don't really think Disney is evil. I do think Donald Trump is. That one line from the alien wasn't bad.

Hey, another new sound from the Weather Duck! I like how you're including more locations. It gives off a more widespread vibe. I guess you can't always have tree tings. One of those things should involve trees!

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