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What a sweet little story! This makes me glad I get e-mailed the Weekly Top 10. It's weird how 6-10 isn't an actual award. Whatever, this is a very nice cartoon. Peaches are great. After seeing so much porn, it's nice to see something wholesome.

That dragon at the end reminded me of Toothless. It got a bit goofy at times. I love how distinct your art style is. You gave these characters a lot of personality in such a short time. That's never easy.

I thought this had something to do with "The Simpsons" because of mentioning Nelson. Then again, I've been reading stuff about them lately. I admit it was too short. I thought it would be a whole song. It was still good for what it was. I loved seeing Tricky.

It was weird to see a Madness cartoon without violence. I see you've made a lot of cartoons like this. I liked all the colors. It's one of the most colorful Madness cartoons I've seen. It's just not THAT memorable.

What about Battleship? Or Candy Land? Those were the games I played as a kid! I think I played computer Monopoly. Well, that was just me watching other people. It was still fun, because you saw these cool animations of the pieces wandering around. They were cute!

This was pretty long for an episode and I can see why. I'm glad you have a wife. I recently got a job! I played Train To Mexico with my grandmother. I guess that's a pretty obscure game.

"Reservoir Dogs" and "Pulp Fiction" take place in the same Universe. Both of those movies feature a guy with the last name Vega. Quentin Tarantino said they are brothers. This was more like an anime reboot. It's still amazing. The colors are great.

I guess I was hoping for more than just an intro. It still works great enough. I love the Newgrounds logo. Those flashing words say "AMSTERDAM" BTW. It's still hard to make out.

RGPAnims responds:

Thanks for the feedback! This project was only really intended to be an intro sequence, since that was what we were tasked to complete for the assignment. However, I'd be down to flesh out some of the concepts explored in this into a full animated short/pilot sometime in the future. We'll just have to wait and see...

That was a really funny little cartoon. I'm glad you used different characters for a change! The best part was probably how you made fun of game stations. I don't play games on a console anymore. The little grunts they made were funny too. The fat one is dressed like Fred Flintstones.

I'm glad the cartoon wasn't too long. None of them have eyes! Well, it does look funny that way. I bet this probably was how cavemen did it. Imagine their abacus graphics!

Hey, it's Wall-E! No really, that's freaking Wall-E! That HAS to be a shout-out. Anyway, this was great because of its amazing animation. It didn't need to have dialogue. This actually makes a lot of sense.

The Universe is mostly empty space. Who knows of the infinite things that are going on in space? Aliens and other intelligent form lifeforms could be doing anything out there. This was just so bright and colorful too. It turned into the Cave of Wonders at the end!

This was a second episode of something? I really did like the animation, but it was too long. I mean, it wasn't that complicated of a story. It did have amazing designs. I knew the fire would escalate. I like the talk about breasts. Boobys are a thing too.

It did come off as a little ugly. I don't think that microscope thing could happen in real life. Besides that, it was still pretty slice of life. I guess this deserves to be frontpaged. It's a nice little cartoon.

Yeah, I remember when this first came to the portal! It's a pity it's not that good. I mean, it's far too simplistic. I do love that amazing music. It really does say a lot. This needed colors.

I mean, it shows barely anything happening. He doesn't even dance. Half of it is just him lying on the floor. At least it's a loop. Well, they all are.

This was a very unique collab. I don't know if I say it that much. I will admit it was repetitive. It still had incredible animation. It's great that so many people can do so much in such a short time. Not like that "Power Pressure" collab.

Bikes sliding are usually cool. It seemed weird to credit everyone when they were already credited. I guess there's no limit on the number of people who can appear under Credits & Info. I have to admit that "Akira" isn't one of my favorite movies. I liked it, just not a classic to me.

Dang, was this brilliant! I didn't know all the submissions would be like this! You know, with how short they are. You still cram in a ton of great stuff. That's really what matters. This is probably the best I'll see.

Skulls are always cool. The colors are amazing. This seems like something from "One Piece". Well, "One Piece" has gone on so long they've probably done everything with pirates. I wish there'd be a collab with all of these.

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