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This is a really cool cartoon! It's mostly because the lyrics are so great. What I didn't like was how the animation could have been better. It's still a lot of fun. I'm glad to have come by these good Christmas cartoons. Rapping is always fun.

You even threw in a funny message at the end. Looking at the singers, I was thinking of MLP and Waddles the pig. Were those characters based on them? I can still see why this won Daily Feature. That heart part was great.

Wow, that was one longass cartoon! I counted that it clocked in at 21 minutes. It's still great that you guys made this. I appreciate you wanting to do something with so much heart with it. My favorite part was RenegadeClock. Seriously, you're my favorite of them all, dude.

I liked all the stuff at the end, too. It was great how sometimes they had real voices. It's great you guys made one for Thanksgiving too. It's a great nonsensical title too. I don't even think you can make hentai with Home Alone. Please don't let me think more about that.

I have always wanted to see a Christmas cat! Merry Christmas to you too! I was thinking to myself that it would turn out to be something violent and disgusting. I was completely right! That did take points away. It's kind of a given nowadays.

Still, the actual animation is quite well done. Ever since Knox left, there haven't been many of these. That poor kitty. I'm not that much of a fan of the thing. Well, you should know the one I'm referring to.

Yeah, I don't think this is decades old. I appreciate the little details put into everything. While it's rather mundane, it still works well. I just looked at other stuff you guys have done. I guess I came to this at the first time. I have wondered that about Furby.

It's always nice to have Seinfeldian conversations. Everything just comes off as so real in this. I think I had one of those as a kid. You guys should talk about MLP! I don't know if LazyMuffin is a brony.

This is really a cute series! I appreciate all the little details put into everything. It's simply a very cute image. The voices are as wonderful as ever. You should probably make these longer. I would love to see more story to this.

The sounds are wonderful too. Everything is just done in wonderfully high spirits. I am glad you are making more of these. You get great interaction from these two characters. They come off as so real to me.

ScottFalco responds:

Sig and Tessa is essentially a miniseries. These shorts are to gaugue interest in the characters and world. After enough of a following, I'll stop doing a short episode each month and work on longer episodes that are about 10-20 minutes each under the name of the full series "Story of the soul"

I didn't see what this even had to do with the garbage. Now, it's just him talking about the bills. Well okay, there was some activity before. I just wish there could have been more about the actual garbage. I was expecting some big finale here. You should have put some color in this.

I had no idea there would be more of these. You seem to have made much better cartoons. The voice is still kind of funny. These aren't cartoons I would recommend. Well, other people seemed to like them. I don't really receive bills.

Well, it looks like it was improved. I mean, you actually did something about the garbage. Then, you just found another problem. Well, it certainly has more activity than the last cartoon. I have never been stung by a bee. I wouldn't want to.

I think the voice is pretty funny here. It reminds me of the Garbage Day movie meme. I thought that's what this was about. That was more interesting. You should combine the two.

Um, I didn't quite understand this. It looks like it was supposed to be nonsensical? Well, it wasn't really that as it was, well, cheap. It was nothing but a guy talking about trash. My brother does that, so I wouldn't know about it. I haven't dealt with that.

I guess there was kind of a charm to it. There wasn't anything awful about it. I still can't recommend this. I don't know how you'll do it. Hopefully, you got it taken care of in real life.

This was a great cartoon! I admit that I was a bit confused by what message it was trying to send. It's probably simply because I'm trying to get the right medications that it bothers me a bit. Well, that's not something I need to think about. Right? The animation is as good as ever.

You need to submit cartoons more frequently. You are one of the most talented people we have. I recognize the voices. I think the swan part is the best. It really does come off as profound.

I love this cartoon! It's great to see how awesome the animation is, which I guess is kind of ironic. I didn't know this was how it worked. I had no idea all models were nude. Well, I guess I'm not as experienced in art as I thought. I made a bunch of drawings as a kid.

I'll probably make more someday, but it would be interesting to get into this. Yeah, there are always those annoying things. It was great to see something with only an "End" title. I would personally hate to be one of those models. You seemed to have certainly lived an interesting life.

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