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Congradulations on another well deserved Daily Feature! It's great to see one of the side characters get an episode. This was just as wacky as ever. I guess wackiness is the main focus on the series. It's great to see this animation. I really had no idea what would happen next.

You seem to fully embrace the cartoonish nature here. It's great to see that in cartoons around the world. It looks like everything's in English, though. I think your other stuff was entirely in Russian. Okay, I guess the main guy is named Shaman.

I am so glad to have come by this again! I just must have missed it the first time around. This is my favorite in the series probably because it's the first. I'm glad to have an understanding of what's going on in this series. I guess it's not that much of an ongoing story. I absolutely adore the animation in this!

In fact, it may be the best you've ever done! It really is unpredictable. I can appreciate this series for what it truly is, a gorgeous cartoon. I am even starting to like the characters. Of course, it's kind of hard as they have no names. That's how foreign language cartoons do around here.

I was really entertained by this cartoon. I think it was because I had no idea where it would go. I'm glad this will be a series. It's great that you are trying something new! I look forward to more of these. The best part about this is probably the voicework. It's freaking awesome!

Tessa was absolutely perfect. I'm pretty sure she's mumbling "Can't believe" at the end. It at least starts with that. While short, it still delivered the goods. It's great to see you here again.

ScottFalco responds:

Tessa's VA is a fantastic actress and just an overall awesome person, we chat on skype a bunch, she totally upstages me in the second episode haha

It's great to be able to follow this series! I'm genuinely surprised at how good it is. I do think your other series is better, though. It's great to see this animation. I will admit that this was a bit cruel, though. She was punched out at the end.

I like how it's forming a narrative. Granted, I don't think I've seen all, so I can't really follow. I really like that intro. That would have been a great submission in itself. Everything just runs so smoothly.

This cartoon was a lot of fun! I can't help but think that's a pokemon. I just automatically think any fantasy creature is one of those. They have hundreds of them nowadays! I really do appreciate how good the animation is. The cats are especially cute.

It's great to see how lighthearted this is. The cartoon violence is pretty nice. Yeah, it's weird to describe violence as nice. It still has a nice tone to it. It works quite well.

I wasn't that entertained by this. It was nice to hear Yotam and Max's voices. I remember this one cartoon where Yotam revealed how he got his username. Of course, his real name isn't that much more ordinary. I thought the animation was pretty bad. Was that the point?

I think it was just too short for a single submission. Well, maybe I could look into the other cartoons here. I do really like that joke at the end. It's the one about the heterosexual laughing. Not much else, though.

This is the best Christmas cartoon I've seen this year! I can't believe I went through all of November without favoriting anything! Apart from the fact that the artwork is great, it's simply a very fun cartoon. I knew something dark would happen. Of course, I loved it! I guess it did all work out for the kid in the end.

At least he was happy. I really should try these games out. Unfortunately, I don't have money to spend on them. I'm glad to see Pac-Man there! It's just great to have everyone eat cookies too. Christmas cookies are awesome.

hbrunav responds:

:D Thank you! we are glad you liked it!

I am so familiar with your other cartoons, I don't know about this. I don't even remember the other cartoons in this series. Doesn't matter, because it's simply great! You really blew me away with how good the animation was! It even had a really clever story. The only thing I didn't like was that it was too short!

I wish we could have seen more stuff! For a "quest" it doesn't have that much adventure. It still has a great amount, though! I can see why this won Daily Feature. I thought it was just a trailer at first!

I can see why this won Daily Feature. I was quite impressed at what this turned out to be a really surrealist cartoon. I love that stuff. It's great to see such wonderful colors too. I still don't really understand what's going on, but I don't care. The voices were fairly good too.

I like how unpredictable it is. You really have no clue what's even going on in the beginning. 2013 isn't that long ago! Everything seems to move quite fluidly. It's very nicely done.

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