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This was indeed a very calm cartoon. I will admit that it wasn't great. It was a little too boring. I was expecting more of a story. It still had wonderful animation. I'm still glad to have come by it.

It just could have been longer. It was the kind of movie that just breezed past me. That may be the first time I ever called a submission a "movie". It is a rather dignified way to describe it. It was indeed quite relaxing.

Aww, I remember the stuff from the trailer! Well, it was just two days ago, so that wasn't that hard! I love seeing Katy turn into Lapis from "Steven Universe". I remember the cereal joke! I couldn't imagine being a mascot like this. It was cool to see Sublo take off part of his costume.

Well, you couldn't see much from the angle. I love how they all had different voice actors/actresses. These were some nice and bright colors. The character designs are quite nice. We got a lot of anticipated cartoons today!

Okay, this get a great score because of that last joke. Justin Rioland was in fact cleared of all charges. I still don't know how that's going to affect "Rick And Morty". It's doubtful he'll be working on the show. This was just very nicely animated. It seemed so innocent.

Boy, did it lose that! It's rare for me to review and Underdog Of The Week award cartoon. How nice to win Daily 3rd Place too! I liked the sounds. It didn't really have music.

Well, this was easily the best cartoon for Flash Forward 2023. The best part was when it was showed all those little cartoons. This reminds me of before we had timed stuff here. I think it lasted six minutes. Well, it was probably more like eight minutes. Don't worry, I didn't get a seizure.

I actually have had those in the past. It certainly fit 420. Well, this was more like LSD. I wouldn't know, as I haven't taken either. I guess it was too long?

Wow, this was quite fun. It's Louise Belcher! Seriously, it looks just like her. Aww, she wasn't making a burger. Well, she's in food service at least. The animation was quite nice.

I thought it would be only 15 seconds long. Of course we have a section for this game already! It even has its own "Honest Game Trailer". Happy 420 again! This day really did let us give out a lot of votes.

Those characters you created look kinda like Ferb from "Phineas And Ferb". I admit it was very odd not seeing Satina in this. She's the title character! I also thought this was going to be just like a minute long. That is what a preview is like, right? The animation was fantastic.

Boy, did we get introduced to a lot of new characters. I missed Dave too. We still haven't found out whether or not Lucia and Dave are actually married. Is Satina a bastard? I haven't heard from Tom Fulp (literally) in a while.

I certainly wasn't expecting a new episode. I liked the references to the previous episodes. I hadn't kept track of them all. I should have remembered the "Billy Bob" films. Ollie and Scoops are as awesome as ever. Dang, are they cute!

This lost movie made it look like a Creepypasta. Those lost media ones are too predictable. This one was more like "The Ring". I'm glad it wasn't too graphic. The animation was wonderfully detailed as always.

That was good, if only a trailer. I thought it was a little like "Regular Show". I know they're not actually those things. They're just costumes. I don't know, something about the voices. I loved the cereal joke.

I guess I was hoping for more? It's always nice to see these characters. This is one of the more down-to-earth cartoons here. You rarely see that at all. At 0:25, she almost looked like Joy from "Inside Out".

Aaron-Long responds:

you'll get more on Saturday!

Well, I didn't think we'd get something as good as GabrielBarch's submission today, but this is freaking awesome! The girl was hands down the best character. She kind of reminded me of Yoko Littner. The headphones kind of looked like...boobs? Okay, I have a dirty mind. The action was fantastic.

I knew from the opening this would be amazing. It's been awhile since I've seen a "Counter-Strike" cartoon. I've forgotten how good they are. I've forgotten how good stick figures are! We haven't seen those in awhile too! I'm glad we have talented artists always here.

Comedy? This was a straight-up action cartoon! Well, not really. It was still quite different than what you usually make. The moment I saw your name on this, the moment I knew it would have an immensely high score. You deserve stuff like this.

Oh, it was a "Pizza Tower" parody. I should have realized that with all the parodies of that recently. You'd think we'd combine that with the Mario movie. This is your best submission because it's uh, a minute long. I don't what to sound like Cinema Sins. This is freaking fantastic, dude!

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