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I've heard of ear worms, but this is ridiculous! To be honest, I would rather not have that thing in my head. Oh, you're the same person who made the "Monster Lab" series. How could I not recognize that? Anyway, this was very nice. I...guess I did feel sorry for the monster?

That woman's at least happy. Two out of three people (or monster) are good enough. Well, not including the doctor. Dude, if there was something that drove a guy to commit suicide, I'm not feeling sorry for it. I have had trouble with earwax when I was younger.

I didn't even realize that was the purpose of the message at first. I should have looked closer at the title! "Invada" is easier to say than "Invader". I was a little turned off by the tall format. It does make it easier for me to rewatch. Aww, not TikTok is invading Newgrounds!

It is everywhere nowadays. It did seem like there was a story being told. Dang, this really is catchy. I just wish it was longer! That's a good thing in this case.

Oh yeah, this was a storyboard. So, it wasn't really re-animated! It's just animated! Wait, how can LSD make two people see the same thing? I don't think drugs can do that. What was he doing with the gumball machine?

Why would he eat a gumball in the first place? I was just expecting Mordecai to appear. I know a guy who used to work the night shift. It never got busy, but he is in fact a drug user. Wait, I probably shouldn't say that.

Wow, that certainly escalated quickly. I was very impressed at how great the animation was. You really know how to create action. All that from a golf ball! Well, a putter too. I'm beginning to recognize these characters.

The cartoonish sound effects were great too. The tone just seemed all over the place. My favorite was probably the samurai bit. It's been awhile since I've played miniature golf. The designs of the characters are great too.

The animation's fantastic! I will admit to being a bit tired of these cartoons. I wanted to see gameplay. I didn't even know about the gameplay until "Honest Trailers". I can still enjoy these cartoons. I thought there would be more shorts.

It was very few. Sorry, I just can't stop comparing him to Mario. Italians are used in video games so much. Don't worry, no Italians were offended. If they are, they're losers.

I have to admit that this is fantastic, but it did go on a bit too long. The parts without the main characters weren't the best. It's still absolutely wonderful to see these two play off of each other. I just wanted to see the two interact more! I am in fact a "Homestuck" fan. I've read most of it.

I still can't remember most of it. You still get most of it right. I especially love how you don't mention the trolls. They don't appear until later. Many people get that wrong.

I have to admit that this really did seem like it was a ripoff of "Eddsworld". Even the voices seemed similar. Alright, that's an unfair comparison. This is still enjoyable in its own right. I didn't know what to expect of this. I thought it would get really violent, given the source material.

I guess I did find myself rooting for these characters. They were quite likeable. It's good for a nine minute cartoon. That's quite long for a submission here. I'd like to see more of these morons.

Woah, woah indeed. I seriously thought it would only last one minute. My favorite part was probably the last joke. I don't know much about Mexican beans. I know about Mexican jumping beans! Wait, lizard people?

I like how this was fairly mundane. There were no lizard people after all! Wait, his name was Gooseman. Maybe he was a giant goose in disguise! It's the goose people we should be worried about!

I kept expecting something really dirty to happen. I thought there'd be tons of feces. I'm reminded of the "Scientifically Accurate" series. You really are better than that. The only hedgehog people know is of course Sonic. The Scientifically Accurate Sonic was just talking about hedgehogs and feces.

You are awesome! This shows you can win awards without feces! Okay, it was kind of boring. It was still very unique for you. I forgot they aren't blue.

This gets a great score just for the end. You can guess I'm familiar with Zelda. Or I guess, Link. I guess we'll never find out what happened to the winning nuts. This was great for a short. I mean, I've seen such shorter stuff here.

Your drawings are so beautiful. It's hard to say if the moving works that well. It can look a tad stilted. I haven't played many of the recent games. Well, not that many in general, sadly.

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Joined on 9/21/08

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