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Wow, this was absolutely amazingly fantastic! I remembered the "Community" show. Well, I've never seen it. I just heard it was amazing. This is certainly amazing too. This won every award?!

We haven't seen that happen in a long time! This has been one of the best days in this website's history! This doesn't include those holiday celebrations. Your animation shines better here and at any other point in your history! It's easily your best submission ever. As I've seen most of them, that's really saying something.

I was amazed by this! Looking back at your other cartoons, it isn't surprising! You are seriously one of the most talented people on Newgrounds! Everyone should enjoy this! I'm surprised the score isn't like 4.60. I'm not into "Dungeons And Dragons" that much.

This certainly makes it look awesome! Every frame of this is just sheer joy from beginning to end. Anyone of any fandom or anything can love this. The colors, the music (duh), the atmosphere everything is just flawless! I thought maybe it was like "Warhammer 40K". I get my tabletop RPGs mixed up.

ArtOfAlexH responds:

Thank you so much Ericho, I really appreciate you saying that :)

Your name sounds like Alex Hirsch. Sorry, I just love that guy so much. That was very bait and switch. I'm sorry it had to end up so badly for him. No, I really feel sorry for that poor little guy! Maybe it was a bee that stung him.

I have a hard time telling those things apart. Cats are always awesome. This really got depressing fast. I'm glad to be more familiar with your work. It looked a lot like Sexual-Lobster.

I admit to not being that familiar with the game. Of course, it's because of the movie. I'll probably be saying that constantly. I had no idea this was what the story was. The China bit seemed really out of place. The Japanese do hate the Chinese!

Of course Asians can be racist. I'd love to see a documentary by Hari Kondabolu about that. This animation was very nice too. It's amazing how much of a story you can give to Mario. Dang it, there I am thinking about the Mario movie again!

Wow, this was freaking awesome! I'm going to assume every Mario submission is related to the Mario movie. The creators actually said they don't like Bowsette. They said the crown would never work with Bowser. This is still fantastic. That's a lot of collab in such a short time.

It makes me proud to be a fan of animation. I'm kind of glad not everyone was credited in the sides of this page. They get way too darn long! Anyway, the movements were fantastic in this! That sounds dirty. It would be pointless to say the animation is great, because all the styles are great.

It sounds like he said, "Do a fli-". Anyway, Happy Easter! This had nothing to do with Easter. I just wanted to say it anyway. Did you notice how everything today except this submission has a rating of 3.72? Something to do with Easter?

An Easter miracle? I didn't even know anything about the gameplay until I saw the "Honest Game Trailers" for this. There should be an honest trailer for Newgrounds. This was nice and colorful. As always, it's authentic to the style.

This was a funny very parody. It's mostly because you capture the essence of "Beavis And Butt-Head" so well. I'm not that familiar with "Attack On Titan". I at least know about the designs of the titans. They're the titans, right? The animation was great.

Even the title credits were amazing. I loved the schlong jokes too. The backgrounds are just as good as the anime. I don't know that much about the anime, okay? It's authentic for everything as far as I know.

That was quite a nice little cartoon. I especially liked how it looked like something from "Aladdin". I don't know if that was intentional. It was actually spelled Kola in the cartoon. It looked like Koala. I like how he was revealed to be a robot.

It was pretty well-paced. I just thought it was weird with the animation. It was unique, but that's not always a good thing. It was just fine for what it is. It works as something short.

5 seconds? Oh, that's the length of the fictional cartoon. Well, I guess it's technically real. I love that bit at the end when you say there is no future. It reminds me of "The Amazing World Of Gumball". That movie better come out soon.

It's a great satire of animation. I could never animate anything. I thought it was going to be a talking poo. This is still better than Go Animate! That's something that will never catch on here.

I thought this was a pretty good cartoon. It was a bit repetitive. I guess that's part of the point? I liked that thing she was watching on TV. I'm not afraid of spiders. Then again, I haven't seen them in awhile.

I thought it was just the same loop at a few seconds. I guess I'm glad it wasn't. It did build up to something different at least. It just wasn't that memorable. People deserve what they like.

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