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This sounded like the title of something by Cinema Sins. You know, "Everything Wrong With X"? Well, this was actually the opposite title. I admit this went on too long. There is something wrong about being too long. I can understand your points.

You remind me more of Bill Maher. He gets his facts wrong. Horus was not born of a virgin and neither was Mithras. Okay, I'm rambling. Much like you.

I already have a clock that tells time on my computer. Most people do. Happy April Fool's Day!

Little-Rena responds:


He sounds like Adam Carolla. Then again, he also still sounds like Brad Dourif. Does that mean Brad Dourif sounds like Adam Carolla? Yeah, the kid's name was Andy too. You didn't need to explain that joke. I had a Furby McDonald's toy once.

That means it wasn't operational. This is a good setup. The animation was very nice. How nice you mentioned YouTube, yet also put it on Newgrounds. Well, we can put anything we want here.

Izzi8bit responds:

I'm confused about where in the video I explained Andy's name, so I don't necessarily understand that criticism. Also, I've also been told Brock's Chucky sounds like Fat Tony from the Simpsons at times, so I'll add Adam Carolla to the list!

There's a version of this video Youtube that links back to Newgrounds. There's a slight line difference, "I can't stop saying FUCK!" in the Youtube version is, "There's a naughty version for all you desensitized degenerates." which links to Newground's version. So in this video when he says, "Youtube doesn't like No-No Words" and you see the video on here, I assume people would connect the dots that he is implying "Because Youtube doesn't like naughty words, here's the Newgrounds version" without directly saying it. I'll be direct with these messages next time.

That was a pretty good little cartoon. I like the animation and everything. Well, that was a hatshot technically. Did I make a new word? I thought this would another one of OneyPlays. They're everywhere.

Maybe it could have been longer. You could snipe anyone at that distance. I liked how you used different characters everywhere. The backgrounds are good. I'm just stretching this review out.

Reminded me of "Help me Obi-Wan!". Well, everyone quotes "Star Wars" anyway. This seemed too simplistic to get such a high score. Morphing into Sandy was cool too. That was a good voice too. It's okay for what it is.

Wow, that was...really weird. It was certainly unique. I don't know why Sacagawea was chosen to be on that dollar coin. Well, the Kennedy 50 cent piece never caught on. Of course, don't get me started on $2 bills. History jokes are cool.

I love this animation. It's quite easy to recognize. I haven't seen most of your other works. Who was the most famous Native American? Probably Geronimo, as we say his name a lot.

Aww, I really am getting used to these characters. It's great to see them all colorful and everything. Everything seemed so kid-friendly. Well, until "shit" was said at the end. I guess it can go all the ways. I like the wonderful animation.

This should get its own section. It's developing quite quickly. The fox is especially cute. It just has a really cute little set up. Once again, except for that shit, not literally of course.

Boy, that was odd. The girl with the pink bunny hat reminded me of Louise from "Bob's Burgers". I mean, she lives at a restaurant! She looks a little like the Noid too. I also thought the apple looked like a giant pepper. The animation was still nice.

There's no April Fool's Day tag. It's a shame an AFD cartoon didn't win Daily Feature. Clocks are still awesome. This wasn't that much like "Pizza Tower". I guess it was original like that.

Eh, no author's comments? Your stuff is usually short. I don't know if this is an April Fool's Day joke or not. It should have been like a Clock submission. Hey, four 1's! I guess that's an appropriate time. The art shift was pretty funny.

It was interesting to see everything like that too. The voice was quite funny. He just had bunny ears. I guess men can be playboy bunnies too. Or playgirls?

Wow, that was almost exactly ten minutes long. How awesome. My favorite parts were probably the live-action bits. I just loved hearing that "Feature Presentation" thing at the beginning. The changes were like in "Robot Chicken". Well, I assume all TVs are like that.

Happy April Fool's Day! What a cool idea to have for today! Maybe next year, we can have Madness Day for April Fool's Day. It was nice to hear StrawberryClock in a normal voice. My favorite is still his voice in "Behind The Magic".

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