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I'm getting more used to these human forms. It's amazing how much this story has progressed. At least I can understand this specific cartoon perfectly well. It's a very clever idea. Happy Piconjo Day! I know that doesn't mean anything here.

Well, in this cartoon specifically. This was an interesting story. It's like that floor is lava game! You didn't even need to use actual lava. The voice work and animation is as good as ever.

Hmm, that was pretty interesting. I wouldn't say it was great, though. It was fairly uplifting. I appreciate its message. It's a shame this won't be a submission here. Or will it?

Anything's possible. Even the title is quaint. I like how mundane it is. Well, nothing really stays mundane forever in fiction. I know supernatural events occur eventually.

Wow, this was a very cute cartoon! I had no idea it would be this good! It was so cool to see another great MLP submission. It has "Pony" in the title. I assume it's MLP related. You do a good job anthropomorphizing these people. You didn't make them too human-like.

The long legs looked more realistic. It doesn't go too sexualized, thank God. I thought it would just be a short submission. It ended up using its time well. You never know what to expect on the Portal!

Karibela responds:

Oh wow, thanks!! ^^

I appreciate the style input, it was a new type I was playing around with!

Damn, is THIS the shortest submission to get frontpaged? This was still pretty good. I still wish that it was longer.

Tenzalt responds:

i just did this for fun as a side project to relief stress from a BIGGER project, i didnt planned to get frontpaged JKGBNADNGB

A spleen? That looks more like a kidney! I love this animation. I'm surprised the score isn't higher. Even previews can massive scores here. This was quite nice for a preview.

A sneak peek for a pilot? Pilots are already pretty short. Wasn't the thesis film already a sneak peek or a pilot? The title looks like it's about a fart. Wow, you've submitted a lot of stuff on this already.

I could have sworn you were the same guy who did the Alphabet series. The animation looks so similar. Anyway, this was a very fun little cartoon. My favorite part was probably the stranger danger bit. I loved how the message wasn't one of child abduction. It was about radioactive ice cream!

Dang, this guy died a lot. I couldn't tell what he was. I thought maybe he was a frog, but I guess he was just a cartoon creature. I didn't know there'd be a presentation like that at the end. It reminds me of "The Amazing World Of Gumball".

It should be easy to open a watermelon! You just drop it on the ground! Granted, that might be unsanitary. Wait, what am I saying? The actual method used here is quite unsanitary. People will still eat it though.

That was one clean cut at the end. Well, what do I know about what furries can do? If only you'd animate Rouge. I still don't believe in the Zodiac. This is still fun, though.

I thought he looked like Bubbles in his fantasy. I admit I'm a little tired of these cartoons. How many times can Walter White appear? This was still rather funny. I wasn't expecting something gay like that. I really should do that more.

There are gay jokes about it. No exceptions. That should be another rule of the Internet. Just look how massive the "Ho Yay" section on TVTropes is! The animation was as good as ever.

Aww, I haven't been keeping up with the game. I didn't know who Purah was. I could have easily known it was a Zelda cartoon. I was NOT expecting that 9/11 joke at the end. I would call this too late, but seriously? That was decades ago.

Of course it's not too late! Now, the Freedom Tower, that would be too soon. Before knowing about this was about, I knew he'd be mentioning Link as "Linky". People have made much shorter beloved cartoons. It was more like two in one!

I had no idea it would escalate this much. The only thing that could have made it better would be if the pig woke up. I mean damn, that is one deep sleeper! I knew that would be an elephant truck. I loved how everything fell apart. I didn't know it would collapse like that.

I liked the unique animation. 14 awards?! It's so generous you even submitted this here! You won't win that many. Well, we do want to have everything we can.

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