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I had no idea there'd be so much action. It was like a Creepypasta at first. This is April Fool's Day, not Halloween! This was wonderfully done either way. You had good action in a very short time. It was wonderful with how well it was paced.

You have to with something this short. I love how the title made no indication of what was going to happen. A train's a pretty cool place for this to happen. It's all quite finely detailed. Happy April Fool's Day or something.

Damn, this cartoon was absolutely gorgeous! I just had no idea it would be this well animated. Everything looks gorgeous in this. I loved the random lion roars to cover up his f-bombs. I had no idea I would ever want that. This looks like it came from "Where The Wild Things Are".

It was great to see everyone together. I still haven't seen OneyPlays. This animation style kind of reminded me of "Over The Garden Wall". Damn, it's just so good! I do love cheese. I had no idea you could get into such intense fighting over it!

Dude, you've made so many cartoons, I wouldn't remember the first one. Can you do one for wisdom teeth? Surely, you've had those removed. What about baby teeth? I remember that air thing. I didn't even know what it was for.

This was as good as ever. I wear glasses myself. I think contacts would be too complicated. They would be harder to find than my actual glasses. You've taken a lot for all of us. Well, you make us feel better about ourselves.

The credits might have been too long. The animation is still awesome. I like how you spelled "watching". That was intentional, right? I love the 60:06 thing. I don't know.

We can all associate with microwaves. I think everyone's burned metal in a microwave once. I mean, people didn't tell us that, right? It's a hard lesson to learn. The details are good, but it is too short.

TheEvaluh responds:

I know... why'd he have to go so soon ToT

Yay, a Mario reference! That's what made this passable. Well, I didn't recognize the Mario reference. This has to be the fastest growing video game franchise here! A lot of cartoons are like this. It just isn't as good as them.

For the lowest rated, it isn't terrible. The animation is at least decent. It gives exactly what it says. A carrot? That's not a pizza ingridient!

JPiXeLAnimations responds:

yyeah this was done while i was still learning how to use flash, so it's got a few rough edges i'll admit, though i've definitely gotten much better since
(btw it was supposed to be a pineapple enemy from one of the earliest builds lol)

This seemed like it would be quite racist. Instead, it was just about filthy children. It sounded like something from "Ren And Stimpy". He just seemed like Ren. Italians are such a big part of video games. Are they voiced by Italians?

Nobody should care. It did seem a little unfinished. I was hoping for something more fluid. You still put in some good effort for this cartoon. I'm glad he got what he deserved.

This was short, but still quite good. The animation is wonderful. I especially love how the other guy is drawn. I realized I gave a lot of these submissions lower scores than I normally would. Please don't hurt me! I guess I'm just not a fan of them.

I still found this to be very funny. I guess I just wanted to see something like the gameplay of it. I didn't even know this was a real game. I guess Italian cuisine appears a lot in games. Mario was more about pasta.

Oh, so this is all based on a game. I don't even know how it's played! I love the little bit where he goes to the X. It's the fine details like that which make it. I love the details with the fire getting bigger. It reminds me of "Steamed Hams".

I guess everyone needs clothing. It's amazing how popular this got so many times. I guess clothes could put out the fire. Soup would probably be too hot. Mario should appear more in these.

I just saw that character on KnowYourMeme this morning! It was great to see such good animation. I thought he was firing at her at first. I liked how the cheese was done. I've been seeing more "Resident Evil" parodies lately. I wasn't aware of any new games coming out.

I thought we'd have more "Harry Potter" stuff recently. I realized 4.20 is the lowest score for something I always review. Hey, 420! Anyway, this had a lot of good jokes for something relatively short. We're used to that here.

Checkers? You know, I never thought of it that way. It makes perfect sense! How have I never seen that joke before? Eh, someone probably did make it. I thought you'd make a joke about the Czechs.

No, that would be racist! Uh, nationalist? The animation was quite nice too. I play Chinese checkers. Wait, is that racist? No, that's nationalist.

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