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Wow, I have seriously never seen a sprite version of Sephiroth before. It seems like such an obvious thing! Anyway, this is great if only because of the multiple endings. I really do appreciate seeing Banana Man. We haven't seen him here in awhile. Of course, we rarely see sprites here anymore!

I'm glad to have all these options. I'm becoming more familiar with the "Final Fantasy" characters. They're just so popular here! They're so popular in general, I just have to known more. The audio was great too.

I admit that I was confused as to why this was so popular. It didn't seem to be anything that interesting. It truly got better at the very end. I especially love how you get rid of something you're setting up. Then you really do it! The animation is good too.

I recognize that guy. I think he's in some of your other flashes. I certainly wasn't expecting that. The animation is fairly good. Humans are technically animals.

It was a great cartoon! The only thing I didn't like was how it was just an ad for the album at the end. It was still great to see all these old sprites. Thanks for showing me how to use that flute trick. I seemed to have missed it somehow when I have played the games. The beat is awesome.

Why is Peach so fat at the end? It's still a great cartoon. I like how you showed it from some of Bowser's perspective. It's just a formal thing to watch. It was cool to hear that Super Mario Bros. Super Show music.

I admit that this was really fun. It seems like you used a different style of animation than usual. Maybe it's just something with the full eyes. Whatever it is, it's very well done. I especially love the ending. Yeah, he deserves that.

He is just some insane man in the woods. Of course, none of the characters in your cartoons are all that rational. I knew it would get crude. I'm glad this made front page. It is pretty original for you.

I really ended up enjoying this cartoon! It was mostly because of how you could pause it. That was rare back then. It's also great to see all these unexpected characters. I had no clue Aladdin would show up! The music was really nice too.

I liked how you could pause every single frame. There must be a Freeze Frame Bonus in there somewhere. It was nice to see Gohan at the end. I'm glad it wasn't just "Mega Man" enemies. There were a lot of them at first.

I don't really see how that was comedic. It seemed like a very authentic representation to me. I guess it's just because "Saving Private Ryan" is one of my favorite movies. I thought this would be about soccer, judging from the title! I'm so glad it was more complex. It reminds me of my dead grandfather, a WWII soldier.

He recently died. It's sad how we're losing World War II vets. I thought they moved very realistically. It's mostly because how the feet are. It was pretty unique.

This is the best in the series. I really like hearing that "Wizard Of Oz" thing at the end. It's just that I love that movie so much. The animation was probably the best. It really does remind me of that time. I appreciate the satire so much.

I guess acid really is good for you. I knew the Iraq War would happen. I feel bad about how I can't really remember the date this stuff happened in real life. At least I remember the historical event. Those are good voices too.

While not great, I rather enjoyed this. I just really liked how unpredictable it was. I think Mario got what he deserved at the end. I mean, he was pretty cocky about everything. It's nice to see these classic sprites. I seriously thought everything would go fine for him.

I think the rating should be higher. It's not that memorable, but it's fun for a little cartoon. It seems like I hear that music a lot. I doubt I've ever even heard the full song. The screen's size makes it look just like the game.

I admit that I haven't seen the other entries in this series. It was so weird to see something with so little story. The first part was half of the whole thing! Well, maybe I just don't understand the appeal of it. I still had lots of fun watching this. It was nice to see what you look like.

It fits how weird you are. Well, how weird your submissions are. The colors were nice and bright. I really loved the intro. My favorite was the second part. It's clever in a weird way.

That was truly funny! I think the best part was how these two stories were completely separate. They had no interaction whatsoever! You would think with the show's superhero premise, it would. I would like to have a penis like that. The voices were great too.

You seemed to have really unique designs in this. I just love the way the hand "talks". It was weird to have a link of this same cartoon on your own website! This is certainly unpredictable. This is just a great series.

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