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Weird ending

I think the main reason this is so popular is because the scene at the end is just so good. Is that supposed to be you or Tom Fulp having sex with April Fulp? Anyway, it was a little hard to make out what liljim was saying. It is still good fun to watch, if only because the animation is so good. It is even hard to consider this a stick flash as the characters and their bodies just have so much depth to them. It is especially funny to note that this is apparently a real audio or maybe it is not real or something.

Everyone hates you, the way it should be

I do not know that much about "Final Fantasy XII" but this was still great. I have never really played games like "Runescape" but I would probably be too addicted if I did try. What really works here is that there are just so many things in the background and things to stop it. The animation and voicework are also great and authentic. It is seriously hard to tell whether or not any of the in game characters are male or female. Here is the description for the wolf with a mustache.

"Ok, so I liked this drawing enough to want to use it twice, what of it. All I had to do was switch colors around and add a mustache. I'm damn proud of how I drew that mustache too. If they added this one and the top hate one, they'd have to make an ultimate crossbred version that has both the mustache AND the hat. And make it a boss. And its special attack would be to dance around to the Charleston".

That Charlie

Here is another great entry into this series because it does a good job of amping up the ridiculousness. I am surprised he does not ask them what happened to his kidney. Then again, he does eventually find out in the next cartoon (ooh, spoiler!). The animation is getting better, especially with how the unicorns look and they great bananas. It is cool how he eventually gives in to the madness but then goes back to his monotone rantings. I guess all unicorns are supposed to be silly by their nature.

Quite long

I think this may in fact be the longest Clock Crew submission that I have ever reviewed! Although I could be wrong, I think the official time was about 16 minutes. It was interesting how CeleryClock and TampaxClock had much better designs than the other characters. The fight scenes were not that great and it did drag on a little. I still have to admit that it did a pretty good job of creating tension. It is interesting to see the story structure of things in the early days of the Clock Crew.

I'm the best!

It is always great to see what Clocks put up for Clock Day. I thought some really funny parts were probably just looking at Pube Muppet with his penis. I recognize him as being drawn in that style from the "I'm A Scat Man" video of yours. It was really cool to throw in all those references on the screen at once. I love the cartoony edge of this, particularly with how Guesswho_ImprovedClock runs. Yeah, I thought I had seen all clocks, but I was introduced to yet another new kind of clock.

Hmmm, fairly good

I had fun with this entry, mostly because it tried to be as silly as any Clock Crew submission. While the animation could have been better, it was still cool to see the characters move about. I was a bit disappointed that you decided to turn this into a two-parter. "Clod" really does describe these characters pretty well. I like the notion of a Lock joining the crew and simply putting on a fake Clock face to pass off as a Clock. I think a lot of us read comic books and aspire to be superheroes in some way.

biblo responds:


Very impressive

This is one of your better submissions and I am not even sure why. It guess it is just great to see that black guy again, even I still do not know what he has to do with the Clock Crew. You also had a great choice of audio (which was made by...Tricky?). The animation was some of your best especially with how the clocks went around. I am glad this threat turned out to be empty and we still have clocks going with us to this very day! I think the cartoon was really subtle but delivered a strong message.

Funny thing

Originally, I thought this was just going to be an intro as the entire cartoon. While it did turn out to be an entire submission, it was still short enough to be goofy in its own right. Another positive thing was how well the animation was in the few parts there were. I did find it funny how the James Bond parody shot his sniper and still looked clumsy. It was also kind of interesting to show the VeggieClock logo at the end. There are so many kinds of clocks nowadays, a group within does not really matter.

CabbageClock responds:

It matters when it's the VeggieClocks. Trust me.

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