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I remember him!

It is quite funny you managed to do this while this guy appeared recently on the show "Tosh.0"! Anyway, I was very impressed by the use of visuals in this one. It was just so cool to see the guy move his face and everything in such a realistic way! The other insane guest appearing at the end was a great treat too. I think you also did a great job of putting those singing clocks at the beginning. While they did not contribute much to the story, it at least shows you guys are trying to be more flashy.


I loved this animation because the animation itself was so great. In a world of talking clocks who make crude jokes, it was great to see intellectual ones that were meeting a crazy woman. The thing that works is that this is simply so easy to make fun of. I love the little costumes the insane woman puts on as she rants. I had no idea that a character named TobaccoClock could ever be a girl! You did a good job of making it seem like an actual conversation and I liked the deadpan delivery.


Wow, that was one of the most random Clock Crew animations I have seen. I assume that the titular character is male, as that character is in fact you. The way the period blood flooded the whole world reminded me of "Excel Saga". I like how you have that monotone voice yet throw in some realistic laughs as he is bleeding. I am wondering how he is writing stuff the next day considered the Earth blew up. In a world of talking clocks with periods, I suppose anything happens for the sake of the plot.

Pretty bad

If I wanted to see Rule 34, I could just go on the Internet elsewhere for that sort of thing. Anyway, I guess the weakest part is that the animation was not that good. The only thing about this that I liked was that actually was kind of a cool song to listen to. The main problem with this is that it is nothing but the same disturbing image. This might work as a gif but not as a Newgrounds submission. You know, I imagine that the genitals of a giant peanut would be rather, um, hard or leathery maybe.

The weirdness never stops

I have to give you credit for not trying to get into crude humor for this. I was seriously expecting something to whip out their genitals or something (dang, what has this website done to me?). The animation was pretty good. The weird thing is that I was thinking of watching "Pokemon" right when I was watching this. It was funny to see Ash blast off instead of how Team Rocket always does. It was certainly weak in a lot of areas, but it definitley managed to be unique in its utter insanity.

Quite bloody

I could not help but be reminded of the "If X Were Real" series by Smosh. Hey, they do have yet to that with anime, although they did for cartoons. Still, this was pretty fun to watch if only because this idea can simply never get old. I have seen that effect in anime of course and it did always confuse me as to why it happened. I did not even find the girl that attractive. I was kind of hoping that you would do various animes or just anime cliches but you only did it with one, but that was not too bad at least.

Chimbley responds:

Yeah, the almighty Ericho has reviewed my movie :)

Quite good

It has been such a long time since I saw this series I barely remember it. Anyway, while it was not the funniest, it definitley had some good structure. I think the funniest joke may have been when you showed that cross and then it turned out to be an advertisement for tacos. The voice work was pretty good, even though I could not recognize Sam T's voice at all. I think it is funny how Amy can turn into a wolf or at least cut up genitals with her claws. This cartoon was really subtle about its crude humor.

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