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That Ghostbusters theme music always gets me. I especially love how they come back as ghosts. It was pretty clever to have him return as a ghost too. The animation wasn't bad. You have gotten better. The pacing was good.

I was thinking the hockey mask guy would just be a gag. I'm glad it was the plot. This really did set up tension well. I don't really know how ghosts work. EW's a weird acronym.

Well, that was strange. There wasn't much to this. Why was there a spoiler? It didn't really have to do with anything. Is the petition to be able to shoot people on Halloween? Oh no, I had the spoiler!

There were some good jokes, but it wasn't good for the most part. It was just too short. I do like the stuff written on the side. It's not enough for a full flash movie. The animation needed to be better too.

This is truly a great cartoon! The animation is so amazing. You've probably never made something this colorful. The song is great too. There's just always movement going on. Wow, you really did make this song!

I think you are the most prolific person on this entire website, apart from the Star Syndicate. You can always make new things. Well, you did retire. I guess with such a long career, it was time. Who knew skeletons could be so colorful?

Huh, why is the rating so low? I mean sure it's really short, but it still uses that awesome animation. It's always great to see new stuff from you. You have some of the best artwork ever. Well, there is not much going on.

For something short, it was still really effective. The designs are always good. It's hard to say that much about something so brief. It did its job. I hope to see more stuff from you.

It's great that this is a continuation. I like the ideas of comedies having continuity. I loved hearing that music at the end. The sprite work was as good as ever. I really did feel bad for these guys. Well, I felt bad for Princess Toadstool.

I was confused by how the plant was credited when he wasn't in the cartoon. Of course! I knew he would be in one of those Easter eggs. Um, those weren't Yoshi eggs, they were blocks. The Christopher Walken voice never gets old.

The best part was probably when Princess Peach died. Or Princess Toadstool. She has some different names. The sprite work is still great. It looks like the plant really did kill himself. Good for him!

The voices are so authentic. I really can see this happening in an adult oriented Mario cartoon. The Christopher Walken voices always get me. I'm glad these have so many views. While not one of my favorites, still great.

Well, that was quite strange. I really had no idea what was going on. Maybe I should have watched the other ones. This doesn't seem to be part of a series. It's still kind of entertaining. It's easy to recognize your animation style.

I appreciate how it's at least different. I don't know why Megatron would be this way. Well, the character's had a lot of iterations. It was probably too short. It was just one joke too.

Wow, these guys really do care for each other. Even though they weren't featured as the main focus, it was still fun to see them. I easily recognize that music at the end. I loved all the different voices. Even the fight scene was entertaining.

It looks like most sprites were based on "Super Mario World". That is my favorite game. I noticed those Easter eggs, or should I say Yoshi eggs. Is Yoshi male? And I thought Birdo was the trans one.

The best part was the gay joke. The first one, not the second one or ones. It seems like they're breaking the fourth wall. They talk about how Mario was developed by some Japanese guy. Well, they're not breaking the fourth wall of this cartoon. How odd.

Christopher Walken's voice is so great. These conversations just come off as so realistic. I wish I had butter. The voices are all really good. The sprite work is as good as ever.

I thought the Shy Guy sounded like Christopher Walken. Then I realized it was deliberate. The sprite work was quite good in this. I love the idea of henchmen like this. They're not very important to the original plot. I never thought that way about goombas.

The weird thing is that the written words were censored, but the spoken words weren't. Yeah, it ended with an explosion! I'm glad this was a series. It's just great how casual the conversation is. This probably is a realistic representation of these guys.

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