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How odd

I found it strange that you actually went out and made an ad. Somehow, an ad that depicts people getting beat up does not seem like it would be appealing. I still have to praise you for having the same good fast pacedness that made all your other cartoons so enjoyable. It did bother me how it existed as an infinite loop. I don't understand how that happened, because you apparently know how to give it an end. The detail was pretty good, especially with the dolls.

It might not have been anything that was too original for the series, but still fine. This is one where the sound effects do all the talking. It makes me sad that it has literally been years since your last submission. At least we were able to enjoy your creativity while we had the chance. I like how the guy waves at the end.

That was unexpected!

Of all the Madness tributes out there, this was one of the most original! It really even mocks the original depiction of the characters which is fairly simplistic. The only part that needs to be improved on is that the lining does look a little off. Still, it's great to see Hank move around in his environment. The way the characters are killed have a lot of depth to them. I was never expecting the shadowed guy to talk like that.

It may need a Replay button, but I can see the second part being even better. It's great to see how everything has so much depth to it. The characters move around not in graceful ways but in darker ways. It suits the ridiculously sinister tone of the cartoon. I like how it's just all over the place and doesn't even know what it's doing.


I should have guessed something with a closeup of StrawberryClock's crotch would not be good. I guess the animation of the otter and the fish isn't that bad. It's just that I feel like it doesn't have any place here. The music could also be better as it gets a tad annoying at times. I was at least glad that it does seem to go away after awhile. I think it would have worked out better if this was a game with an actual boss in it.

I would think it would feature StrawberryClock as the main boss or at least the one depicted here. I find it strange how something is called "Final something 1". A "1" in the name implies there will be more. Then again, Mel Brooks did do a movie called "History Of The World Part 1" that never followed with a sequel. Please try to have more going on.


I liked this a lot, but I was a bit confused as to why it was called a parody. It actually seems like the genre was played fairly straight. Stuff like this makes me want to go out and buy the Minecraft game, wherever I can get it. What I thought was really cool was how well everything was drawn. For characters made entirely of cubes, they all really had depth to them. Why wasn't I thinking of Cuboy sooner when I heard of this?

I like how subtle everything goes in this. It doesn't have a lot of wacky humor but has a more basic story to it. The funniest part was finding out the guy's name was PoopLoser_69 and how nobody cares how stupid that name is. Sorry if I offended any actual Minecraft players with that name. The voice work is authentic too.

It's not coming back, is it?

The only thing I regret about this is that the series seemed to end right there. The following flashes you made do not pick up on the story. Then again, maybe they are not supposed to. I would love for you to come back and show us these great cartoons again, given modern Flash technology! This was great because the animation was just so spectacular! For something with few colors, this seemed to be perfectly vibrant.

I liked the way the bullets made those little wavy things as they were flying. I never would have expected it to end that way, anti-climatically. It's still good action because you never really know when it's going to end. It's amazing how much depth you put into simple stick figures. Not one of your best, but still pretty sweet.

That's sad

Wow, I had no idea pigs could make me so sad. I guess it's better than going to the slaughterhouse anyway! I thought I wouldn't be able to understand it well because everything was written in Chinese. Sorrow, however, is something that transcends language and applies to everyone. It was so sad when the telephone pole hit her as I was not expecting that. The animation in this is really good too, particulary with how the bodies were drawn.

I found it strange how it lists it as the second episode when your other submission is the second episode in title. Geez, that crying in the credits is just going to go on forever, won't it? You really knew how to show emotion even with mannerisms that were a bit silly. The animation kind of reminds me of the "I Love Egg" series. This is obviously well done in its own right.

So it begins

The show did in fact get better as it went on, but this is still great for a start. I think it's funny how the arms are not cubed shaped like everything else. It's just great how these characters just fly around everywhere. They exist in this little world that creates itself with everything flying around for the next scene. You simply have no idea what is going to happen in any of these weird episodes. The funniest bits were easily when they were pronouncing the words of the planet and aliens.

Sometimes it can be hard to look at. When you look at a cube like that, it can create an optical illusion whether it is in or out. I guess I've seen so many optical illusions, I just see them everywhere. I like how Cuboy is so happy all the time as he seems to understand more about this world than we do. The song at the end was pretty funny too.

Sweet song

You guys at eddsworld just never stop creating awesome submissions. This was really good probably because the song was also awesome. What makes it ironic is that it is not actually the song that is being sung, but rather a tribute as the title suggests. It's great to see Lucifer get so perplexed over the awesomeness of it. You certainly impressed me with your great music video. The coolest part is probably when Edd starts to glow.

While there isn't that much action, the style more than makes up for it. The characters move around in a nice way, even if their designs aren't the best. You have made a great tribute in yourself to Tenacious D. Who knew a tribute to a tribute could be so good? Maybe you could make it a bit more detailed, but still great.

Kind of funny

It does seem like a machinima video would be more appropriate, but this is still pretty fun. The best thing is how there are so many of these characters just being idiots. The poo hand is one of the most random jokes I've ever heard. Nothing in this makes any sense whatsoever, but it's still funny. I thought the animation was decent, especially with how the engineer flew off on his jetpack. I thought it might feature the "trolololo" guy given the title.

It was weird to see the poo and blood stains everywhere. The funniest bit was probably when he fought with the poo hand (yes, I just mentioned it was the weirdest bit too). I like how some of these characters are colored and others aren't. Others still have parts of them colored but not the rest. You have a cool username, too.

It might be good

The problem is that you should not really submit tests to this website. It might not be so much of a test as a preview (as the title suggests) but it's still an incomplete movie and it doesn't cause much anticipation. I think it's kind of obvious who is going to fight Sonic in this. I believe it's another version of Sonic. A pity you could have not had the character shadowed or anything. I think this actually wouldn't be that bad of a full flash.

The lines drawn aren't too bad, but the spritework needs more. It seems like you could make this better by having a lot more action. I will always regret never knowing how to give a submission a "Replay" button so I can't criticize you for that. You should look into someone who knows more to understand it. It's a bit too short for a preview too.

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